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Why Jade (money tree) leaves are falling and how to help the flower?

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Crassula (Crassula she is, she's a money tree) - a surprisingly undemanding houseplant, pleasing us green leaves. But sometimes it happens to him trouble: leaves begin to fall.

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The first thing you should know - the humidity does not play for the money tree no role. Within reasonable limits. Usually leaves the problem in the majority of other home colors are associated with low humidity. But Crassula - succulent and exclusion.

Crassula stores moisture in the leaves. Then, when irrigation becomes scarce, the plant takes the moisture out of them. In this and the need to look for the causes of leaf fall in the money tree.

Very rarely, but it happens, Jade fall due to lack of moisture leaves. But with this option, you should be very dry up the land. Not to water indoor plant for about a month. Leaves become wrinkled and hang. Not your case?

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Most often, the money tree leaves fall due to excess moisture. As they say, the best - the enemy of good. It's simple: water is supplied Crassula constantly, giving the flower a signal: "Stocking moisture is not necessary." And houseplant resets sheets which are by nature water drives.

Also, the stagnation of moisture at the roots can cause them to rot. Artist and Crassula article was helpful for you? Click the "Thumbs up!" Thanks. Also I recommend that you read about another common problem: Dark spots on the leaves of indoor plants: how to determine the cause and save the flower

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