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What to plant in the garden after the onion (checked, will ripen). Harvested

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Fiery fireworks, comrades vegetable growers!

They removed the onion, but the garden remained. A typical situation for August! EIf you, like me, do not want the land to be idle until October, read the article to the end. I will list the crops that I have already planted in my dacha and harvested a second crop from the same garden.

There are also misses

One year after collecting the onions, so that the garden was not empty, I, by mistake, planted the onions again. "Towards winter". I must say right away that the experiment was not successful, it was difficult to call the harvest a harvest.

And now I decided to take a closer look at the question of what can be planted in the former onion garden. After all, only half of the summer has passed, and if you choose the right vegetable, you can harvest a second crop from the garden.

The main thing to understand when planting the next crop after an onion

• The top layer of soil, in which the roots of the bulbs were located, is depleted. Now you need to either plant plants with longer roots that go deeper, or add compost and humus to the garden bed. I choose the second option - he

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• daylight hours begin to decrease and not all vegetables like it.

Tops after roots

When choosing any crop for sowing at the end of summer, give preference to early varieties only. This is a kind of guarantee that you will have time to get the harvest even in the event of an unexpected arrival of cold weather ahead of time.

Many gardeners use the “tops after roots” rule when planting. After going through all the possible options, I have compiled a whole list of such "vershoks" that should feel good in my garden.

Salad. Pay attention to the inscription on the packaging "for summer sowing", otherwise the salad will not have enough daylight hours. Before sowing, it is useful to soak the seeds for a day in an infusion of ash at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. 150 ml of water.

Choose what you like best. Texture, color, taste - the variety of types and varieties of lettuce deserves respect

Any other greens greens. Dill, parsley, spinach, cilantro, arugula, sown in late summer, will supply your table with vitamins until late autumn. So that the vegetables have enough nutrients, it is advisable to fertilize the site with humus at the rate of 2 kg per 1 sq. m.

Let me tell you, comrades, about dill separately. A very cool thing is to always have greens on hand for any dishes and preparations before severe cold weather. There is only one caveat: dill seeds germinate for a very long time due to the high content of essential oils. Therefore, I always soak them.

Many gardeners successfully plant after onions and roots. I also

My august radish from last year

Radish is sensitive to daylight. And, if you land him immediately after collecting the bow, he will most likely go to the arrow. To get a good harvest, it is better to wait until mid-August.

These are optimal conditions for obtaining a strong, juicy radishes. Do not deny yourself and your family the pleasure of eating vitamin salads as long as possible.

I don't understand why no one is planting daikon

Another root crop ideal for August sowing is daikon. It is also called Chinese or Japanese radish. Daikon is distinguished by its amazing undemandingness to soil and maintenance - in principle, the garden bed can even be left without watering. And also - a delicate taste without acrid notes and juicy pulp. I'm planting, definitely!

If you do not plan to sow anything in a free bed, but do not like empty places in the garden, sow siderates. These are annual plants that will disinfect and enrich the soil for next year's harvest.. For this you can use rapeseed, oil radish, mustard, phycelium, oats or rye.

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