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Do I need to cut the stalks of the hosta or can I leave

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Fiery fireworks, fellow flower growers!

I am surprised to notice how lively controversy goes around such an innocuous thing as pruning the stalks of the hosta. It seems that the gardeners are divided into two camps. It's time to talk about it frankly)

Hosta blooms can be not only cute, but also very decorative.
Hosta blooms can be not only cute, but also very decorative.

Proponents of the first camp say: "Hosta blooming is a natural process. Why prevent a flower from doing what nature has for it? " And they just admire the delicate flowers in the middle of summer. Letting the host be herself.

On the other hand, those who advocate the splendor, shape and color of the crown. The flower growers who have joined this camp are sure: “Flowering takes away vital resources from the hosts. Instead of releasing subtle flower stalks, the bush should grow leaves. "And by all means help the host to create a rosette by removing the arrow with buds from the moment it appears.

The ideal flower, according to the second camp, looks something like this

How to find out if the arguments of both sides are convincing. But I decided for myself - I definitely leave it!

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Perhaps the hosta rosette without a peduncle really grows more magnificent / larger / greener. But I like the elven, purple flowers of the hosts. I'm not ready to sacrifice them for the crown. I perceive the hostu as a whole garden flower, as an inseparable composition of greenery and flowers.

And let's put our hand on our hearts, comrades:

In the photo - the flowering of an unusual dwarf variety of hosts Blue MAUS Ears (may the English forgive me)

Hosta is a surprisingly indestructible flower that grows decorative even with a complete lack of care. Growing for many years in one place without feeding, sitting without watering in the hot summer, they not only survive, but as much as they can continue to decorate the gardens of lazy flower growers. Is it possible that such a fact as flowering will somehow seriously affect decorativeness?

I have not noticed this. And you, comrades?

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