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Transplant Geranium in September in my way and it will bloom profusely without interruption

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One of the most popular and colorful flowers in the world, geranium, in the fall should "move" from the garden to the home. A successfully overwintered plant for the next season can bloom amazingly long and luxuriantly!

But for this, you need to act in a special way, which I, guided by personal experience, decided to share with everyone who is also not indifferent to chic geraniums!

In order for the root system of geraniums to be at rest, the diameter of the pot must exceed the earthen lump with the underground part of the plant by only 3-5 cm. At the bottom of the pot, there must be holes for the drain of excess water, and a 2 cm drainage layer of expanded clay should also be poured into it.

Geranium substrate can be purchased at any flower shop, but you can also prepare it yourself using one of these recipes:

· Garden soil, peat and sand in proportions 1: 1: 1;

· Sod land, river sand and humus in proportions 2: 1: 1;

· Leafy soil, sand, turf and peat in proportions 1: 1: 1: 1.

There is no need to disinfect the soil - after all, it turns out to be not a delicate domestic geranium, but a plant that is already accustomed to existing in “wild” garden conditions.

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The day you choose for the transplant should be clear and warm. And it is very important to do everything before night temperatures fall below 0 ° C.

Geranium roots are quite strong, but still it is better not to damage them by removing them with a lump of earth. If there are no obvious signs of decay or death, they do not need to be carefully sorted out and cut.

Gently holding the plant, it must be lowered into a pot filled with soil about a quarter. After that, you need to fill the remaining space with soil. It is not necessary to tamp the earth, but watering with warm, settled water is required. Geranium is an awful little fluff after transplant!

It is not necessary to place the plant immediately in the room heat - it is better to keep it cool for the first 2 days, for example, on the balcony. And be sure to shade the geranium for the first 3 days - so it will have more strength to root in a new place.

But the main secret of the transplant is that in the first 3-4 weeks after it, the introduction of any fertilizers is contraindicated! It is necessary to provide everything to nature itself - a strong garden geranium is quite capable of adapting to a new place.

And then, until spring, when you return to the garden, you can use the usual dressing for indoor flowers in a half dose.

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