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3 types of Flowers that you need to be sure to plant in Autumn, so that next year they bloom gorgeous and please the eye

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With the arrival of spring, every gardener immediately has a lot of worries. After all, you need to have time to sow and plant all your favorite plants. Everyone knows that most women love flowers and I am no exception.

Therefore, in order to admire as many colors as possible in my garden in the future, I decided to plant some flowers in the fall. However, not all flowers tolerate such a planting well, and therefore I will share some secrets. What types of flowers should you choose?


At first, of course, my choice fell on them. This is obvious: annual plants do not need to grow a large root system, grow and strengthen for a long time in order to delight the hostess with their fast flowering, unlike perennials.

Only frost-resistant species should be chosen, which are characterized by reproduction by self-seeding.

For example, they will give excellent results for the next year: forget-me-not; Turkish carnation; mallow; aster; annual phlox; petunia; Snapdragon; scented tobacco; calendula.

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As I said, perennials take a long time to gain strength for lush flowering. However, planting in the fall just gives them this opportunity.

During the winter period, they are sufficiently tempered and, accordingly, in the spring they release shoots faster, as well as leaves and flowers of course. It is when planting in the autumn method that many flowering plants bloom most abundantly.

I can recommend aquilegia, astilba, perennial cornflower, spotted loosestrife, perennial aster, perennial phlox.


I would like to pay special attention to bulbous flowers. They can also be planted in autumn and the next year they will give excellent flowering, but here you should choose the moment well:

If you plant them too early, then they may not germinate in time and freeze in the first frosts;

· If you plant them too late, then they simply will not have time to take root properly and will not give the desired result.

Of the bulbous ones that tolerate wintering well, I like the following: tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils, lilies.

Thus, quite a few types of flowers can be planted in the fall, so that they bloom gorgeous next year and are pleasing to the eye. The main thing is to choose exactly frost-resistant varieties and take into account all the features of planting a particular plant.

And then your efforts will give wonderful fruits in the form of lush, bright, fragrant, colorful flowers in the next season.

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