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How to prepare for the beautiful flowering decembrist

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Decembrist - a special flower. It belongs to a small number of indoor plants regularly prefer to bloom during the cold season. In the period in which the majority of the inhabitants of the sill is in the rest period to the first spring beams. Bright colors, when the window - frost and snow drifts, and glasses - ice lace... The beauty!

By the flowering of his Decembrist I begin to prepare for the autumn!
By the flowering of his Decembrist I begin to prepare for the autumn!

The "official" name of the Decembrists - Schlumberger. Yet it is called zigokatusom and rozhdestvennikom. In terms of botany, flower referred to as epiphytic cacti (hanging on a tree trunk) capable of for a long time without loss of live in dry conditions. To bloom Decembrist coming winter was long, bright and lush, preparatory work should begin now, in October. Igathered in this article are some tips. I would be glad if they will be useful to you!

Where to begin

The first step - to find a place for Decembrists. Houseplant blooms with a short photoperiod (and therefore blooms in winter), so posting on a window sill no complaints. It is important that Zigokaktus received no additional lighting. So do not put it on the windowsill for phyto-lamps (I know many dosvechivayut winter flowers such as violets).

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Blooming Decembrist - a photo and more with the Internet
Blooming Decembrist - a photo and more with the Internet

If the pot will be at a short distance from the window - perfect! For example, when I was in school, these pots with beautiful flowers were in our closets and wonderful blooming.

But I'm still the fact that there is an important feature of the Decembrists: when the scored flower buds, pot can not rearrange and flip. Schlumberger gets used to a certain position and angle of the sun's rays, and sensitive to change. When the buds are already bloom, with a strong desire can be slightly expand the pot that you can see the most beautiful side. But I do not recommend doing this before: bloom will come much later!

About humidity and watering

winter Schlumberger
winter Schlumberger

About love Decembrist many legends to humidity and dangerous misconceptions. Some of them even wrote a very influential portals on the Internet. Leave the dot - because the maximum of flowering should try to create an ideal environment, is inconceivable without the proper moisture regime.

If you successfully grow Phalaenopsis - easier for you to understand that he wants to flower. And this orchid, and the Decembrists are epiphytic plants with their roots hanging from the trees. It is clear that the moisture does not stay there. Therefore, frequent watering is harmful for them! In the worst case - the roots zagniyut, at best - the plant will be confused and will release a few flowers.

Here's an interesting life hacking: Look at the aerial roots to the leaves of the Decembrists. If they never dry (hang lifeless thread), it means that watering is sufficient. By the way, I water my Schlumbergera every 10-14 days, and everything is fine! With the inclusion of the heating can be the participation of watering, because the temperature is raised and the land dries out faster. You can focus on the state of the soil: dried out by 2 cm - it is possible to take up the watering can.

Healthy aerial roots in a young Decembrist
Healthy aerial roots in a young Decembrist

"What kind of nonsense, since tropical plants like moisture ..." you said reasonably. And you'd be right! And phalaenopsis, and the Decembrists very fond of moisture. But not the roots and leaves, so they need high humidity.

With the beginning of the heating season humidity indicator in the room is at a critical level for houseplants. There are several ways to increase humidity:

  • put a special device - a humidifier;
  • put a container with water;
  • regularly sprayed with water at room temperature.

Personally, I use just 3 ways. Tell us about your experience: I have collected on the kitchen windowsill (in the room temperature and humidity is always higher than in other areas of the house) all the "tropical flowers": Orkhu, Spathiphyllum and the Decembrists.

Decembrists in white colors
Decembrists in white colors

When I'm home, I turned on the humidifier. When you leave for work, I turn it off, because I'm afraid of problems with electricity))) Therefore it is always worth a large glass of water, from which there is evaporation. By the way, this warm water to settle and I in 1-2 days watering Spathiphyllum: he, unlike the orchid and the Decembrists, likes moderately moist soil. Every morning - the planned spraying!

The third important thing

Another example of the abundant flowering in winter decembrist
Another example of the abundant flowering in winter decembrist

For flowering Decembrists (and any other house plant) are necessary potassium and phosphorus. If you have recently transplanted flower, these substances still in the right quantity contained in the ground. But after a year, and nutrient reserves diminish soil. Therefore, I recommend to start in October fertilize decembrist complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.

I wish you a bright and blooming Decembrists! Subject to the minimum requirements for the cultivation of Schlumbergera it shows abundant flowering in mid-winter. Put a "Thumbs up" and subscribe to the channel, if you like the Decembrists and the article was helpful. Read more: 5 blunders in caring for geraniums

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