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10 unique indoor plants that have a positive effect on health - replace the first aid kit

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We all know that at a time when there were no medicines yet, people were treated with the help of nature. There are many plants in the world that have medicinal properties and often help even better than any medicines.

Whether it's treating disease, purifying the air, or improving indoor energy, fill your home with these plants. They do not require much maintenance and you will get a lot of benefits from them.

1. Chile

10 unique indoor plants that have a positive effect on health - replace the first aid kit

This spice stimulates the burning of calories and speeds up metabolism, lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, and prevents blood clots.

The pepper is rich in capsaicin, which causes anger, but also creates a good mood by stimulating the production of endorphins, which contribute to a feeling of comfort and relaxation. It grows well in indoor conditions.

2. Aloe vera

The juicy and transparent gel of the leaves contains several anthraquinones, amino acids, enzymes, lignin, sterols, saponins, vitamins and minerals.

Add aloe to your morning drink regularly to ease digestion and reduce the appearance of sores, hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections, rheumatism and arthritis, and helps regulate sugar and cholesterol levels.

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3. Basil

Basil has anti-inflammatory properties, helps with arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

It is known for its antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol and thus protects the heart and blood vessels.

It is rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and contains antiseptic ingredients that destroy harmful bacteria in food.

4. Rosemary

It has been known as a memory booster for centuries. Plant rosemary in a pot and place it where you study, read, or often spend time, because the very smell of this plant can improve memory and brain function.

It also lowers levels of cortisol, a hormone that is released when you are under stress.

5. Lavender

The essential oil has a soothing scent that helps relieve headaches, anxiety, depression, tension and stress, relieves fatigue and increases mental alertness.

The essential oil can be used for massage and helps with rheumatic pain and muscle pain. The lavender scent in the room will also help with insomnia.

6. Spathiphyllum

If you have a lot of electrical appliances in your living or work space, then you will get many benefits from this plant because it protects against harmful radiation.

Spathiphyllum absorbs electrostatic energy emitted from electrical devices and converts it into chemical energy, which it uses for its own metabolic processes and growth.

7. Fern

Fern balances indoor humidity levels and is great for people with dry skin as it humidifies the air and removes dust. Also bathing with fresh fern leaves can relieve rheumatic pains.

8. Sansevieria

It is known as a plant that absorbs carbon dioxide and produces the most oxygen at night, while most plants do it during the day. Therefore, it is ideal for bedrooms and living rooms.

9. Orchid

This herb is considered to be extremely powerful in stimulating positive energy.

It makes you feel like you only deserve the best. According to feng shui, the orchid is a symbol of health and well-being and is placed in places where positive energy is needed.

10. the Rose

Research has shown that scent of a rose clears the mind, allows you to focus on what's important to you, and improves your mood.

Rose petals contain essential oils, tannins, sugar, citric, malic and tartaric acids, as well as a number of aromatic active ingredients.

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