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Under white sails: 3 ways to get to bloom Spathiphyllum

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Adult blooming Spathiphyllum. Pay attention to the size of the pot! This will tell in detail.
Adult blooming Spathiphyllum. Pay attention to the size of the pot! This will tell in detail.

Spathiphyllum - a favorite by many houseplant. It is called "Women's happiness", because of his belief in the existence of the house owner to promise good luck in matters of love and the joy of motherhood. Believe it or not - you decide! But just one thing: this is a very beautiful flower, decorating the interior. sometimes, however, decorated Only luxurious dark green leaves, and does not want to "white sail". In this article I will tell 3 method as stimulate flowering Spathiphyllum.

It is interesting: In fact, a white veil - it perianth: a sheet of white color, which borders the flower itself (bumps).
Flower and leaf-bract close-up. When the veil becomes yellow shade - cut the tsvetnos to stimulate the growth of new!
Flower and leaf-bract close-up. When the veil becomes yellow shade - cut the tsvetnos to stimulate the growth of new!

Spathiphyllum Flower "long-playing" potential of plants enough to bloom from March until the winter with proper care.

Remember that the plant likes abundant watering without stagnant moisture in the pan. I water it from the soul, as soon as there were hints of dry soil. I give water to drain and return the pot to its rightful place. I try every day to spray, but, unfortunately, it does not always work :) Need spraying increases in sunny summer days and heating on when the air in the house becomes very dry.

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Another key requirement "women's happiness" - a soft and diffused, it is desirable lighting. I keep Spathiphyllum in the north-east window. Direct sunlight is harmful, because the leaves are burned, leaving a yellow-brown burns, and quickly dried soil. Because of them, houseplant loses its decorative appearance.

Now, how to make Spathiphyllum bloom.

The beginning of the rapid flowering of "women
The beginning of the rapid flowering of "women's happiness"

1. transplant spathiphyllum

Often the flower does not want to produce buds, due to the fact that the pot and the soil is not suitable to him. Then it is necessary to transplant a houseplant. There are several rules:

  • Pot size. If you plant Spathiphyllum in large capacity, you'll have to wait very long flowering. As long as the roots are not mastered earthen room. Therefore, when transplanting pot should be only 1.5-2 cm more than the root system.
  • fat land. Must also "women's happiness" somewhere to feed power? If you try, you can find in the sale of a special primer for Araceae - this family owned Spathiphyllum. Not ours? Use the universal soil mix for home decorative and flowering plants.
An example of a suitable primer
An example of a suitable primer
  • Required good layer drainage. I poured on the bottom of the pot expanded clay. The layer thickness depends on the dimensions of the dishes, but not less than 1 cm. It is necessary that the roots do not rot due to excessive moisture in the soil. With drainage Spathiphyllum feels much better than without it.

growing conditions have been met? Fine! We proceed to the next step.

2. Artificial dormancy

Variegated cultivar spatifilumma "Picasso" in the rest period
Variegated cultivar spatifilumma "Picasso" in the rest period

Each plant needs a rest period. And Spathiphyllum - is no exception! He needs to gain strength to continue its development, including proceed to bloom.

To encourage the transition to sleep mode, place the pot in a place poprohladnee. It will be fine and slightly pritenit plant. For example, I put it in a corner on the balcony. The optimum temperature - 16 ° C, but not below! Still, it is a southern plant :) At the same time reduce watering about 2 times, but still did not stop watering "Female happiness" at all - otherwise dry out and die.

In this state, Spathiphyllum should be about a month. After that pot put on the usual place and resume standard care.

3. efficient feeding

Fertilizers are applied from early spring to mid-fall
Fertilizers are applied from early spring to mid-fall

Simultaneously with the release of the rest period must begin to feed Spathiphyllum, to give him the necessary nutrients. The most optimum and easiest option - to use a liquid complex fertilizer for flowering houseplants purchased in the store. The solution is simply diluted in water and used for watering or spraying the sheet. Dosages are specific to each drug.

Tips for fertilizer "Women's Happiness":

  • do root fertilizing only in moist soil;
  • spray the leaves early in the morning or late in the evening;
  • Repeat feeding every 2 weeks - no more!

The means for feeding should contain more potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen - these chemicals stimulate the formation of stems!

You can use folk remedies. I like the infusion of banana skins, aged 3 days in a warm place. In it a lot of potassium!

Following tips will create optimal conditions for a luxurious flowering Spathiphyllum. Wish you success in growing houseplants and I'd be happy, "thumbs up", if the article was interesting. Read more: Potatoes will be stored in a 2 times better: what to do after the harvest

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