Modern wallpaper for walls
In the modern design wall decoration, there are many different options. Depending on the stylistic direction option walls may be matte, glossy, smooth or textured. Beautiful wallpaper for your walls, choose according to your taste, and suitable to the style of the room, of course, will look modern and practical.
Ate you pick up the wallpaper for the hallway, you should pay attention to the washable vinyl wallpaper, consisting of the bottom of the base paper coated with a layer of vinyl. Their synthetic coating wallpaper gives resistance to moisture, they can be cleaned and wiped. By selecting these wallpapers for walls with a rich range of colors, you can use them almost any style.
Now launched production of the new wallpaper, having thermal insulation and sound absorption properties. These wallpapers are very relevant and applicable, for example, in the bedroom or living room. So-called metallized wallpaper, consist of a thin foil layer deposited on a paper or a paper base. These wallpapers retain heat in winter and cool in the sultry period.
A beautiful wallpaper for the walls, made of specially treated natural fibers of cotton or silk, printed on a paper basis, do not differ from the fabric. It - textile wall. Current treatment gives them antistatic properties, thanks to which they do not collect dust and serve a long time. However, it is necessary to protect these wallpapers from the sun, as this may cause them to burn.
Very popular non-woven wallpaper that do not expand when dried, does not swell and does not bubble in contact with moisture.