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Tomatoes are blooming, and the ovaries no. rectify the situation

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tomato flowers
tomato flowers

Tomatoes are whimsical, but they can curb! Especially insulting, when the plants are actively bloom, without forming the ovary. So, we need to take urgent measures. Article - 4 main reasons why tomatoes do not form ovaries.And what to do to still achieve a rich harvest.

1 reason

At the last place on the prevalence - no pollination. Although tomatoes are pollinated by yourself, do not always do it with success because of unfavorable conditions, stress and our own whims. Tomatoes growing in open ground, often visited by aides: bees and bumblebees. Therefore, a "street" tomatoes that seldom happens. But in a confined space in the greenhouse - easily.

Easy to solve the problem, but will have to tinker, taking care of artificial pollination. Brush pollen from one flower is transferred to the other. By the way, tomorrow on our channel released detailed recommendations on how to do this on the advice of agronomists. Subscribe!

The technology of artificial pollination of tomatoes increases the yield in times! (Photo from
The technology of artificial pollination of tomatoes increases the yield in times! (Photo from
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2 reason

The more common reason why tomatoes do not form ovaries of fruit - eating disorders. The most common problem occurs when tomatoes "zhiruyut" that is actively expanding mass. The reason - a surplus nitrogen. When the plants obtained this element is greater than the potassium and phosphorus, fruits are formed.

Solves the problem of the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers, where the nitrogen is small, and potassium and phosphorus - a lot. Already after 7-14 days after the feeding. You can try to use folk remedies, but the result will have to wait longer, and it will be less pronounced.

blooming tomato
blooming tomato

3 Reasons

Very often, tomato refuses to bloom when it properly watered. In this coin has two sides. On the one - the lack of results in the fact that the flowers are not pollinated, the other - with the overflow starts rotting roots. The plant may start to drop buds, flowers and ovaries, and soon - and do die. Therefore, it is important to find a middle ground!

When watering guided by the humidity of the earth: dried out more than 3 cm - it's time to water. In this case, like tomatoes abundant watering. It is better to water the rare, but many; than often enough.

Tomatoes like heat and moisture (
Tomatoes like heat and moisture (

4 Reasons

But the most common reason why no ovaries on tomatoes - unsuitable conditions. Tomatoes capricious especially demanding temperature and humidity. Maturation pollen terminated when the temperature falls below 15 ° C. And at above 35 ° C and sterile pollen becomes unsuitable for pollination. It's a shame! Therefore it is necessary to do something:

Try to control the temperature. Be sure to close for the night landing in open ground, but in the heat, ventilate the greenhouse and use other ways to lower the temperature. ✔ Place the "Thumbs Up" if you like the publication. You will be useful to read: Tomatoes will not overheat: simple measures

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