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What to do so that pepper never gets sick with late blight, and the harvest is always Excellent

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Often in gardens and greenhouses, many vegetable crops, including pepper, are affected by late blight. Phytophthora attacks peppers at high speed in small areas where plants are planted close to each other. For late blight, favorable places in the lowland, where there is high humidity, where the soil is with stagnant moisture.

Through my many years of experience, I was convinced that this insidious "disease" can be avoided if you follow the elementary rules of agricultural technology. Follow the correct planting pattern, choose the right planting site, and you will have a great, healthy crop of peppers.

Phytophthora prevention measures

So that pepper does not get sick with late blight, it is easier to prevent the disease than to fight it. The main preventive measures are:

· Choose open, well-heated and ventilated areas for planting pepper;

· I warn you that late blight can be transmitted by seeds. Therefore, before sowing, be sure to decontaminate the seed material. For this, a solution of manganese is suitable, or soak the seeds in water at a temperature of 400 C for 30 minutes;

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· Prepare holes prepared for planting with oxychom solution or copper sulfate solution. When preparing solutions, follow the instructions;

· After the beginning of mass flowering, spray the pepper leaves. For this I, for example, use Ridomil Gold. After 14-15 days, a fruit ovary will appear. During this period, you need to repeat the spraying.

It is important to take into account that peppers can be grown on one site for no more than 5 years, then choose another place for it.

Also, preventive measures are:

· Periodically it is recommended to change varieties of pepper and observe crop rotation;

· Choose for planting varieties and hybrids of pepper, which are characterized by high resistance to late blight;

· Follow the rules of agricultural technology: timely watering, removal of weeds, loosening of the soil.

Preventive measures in greenhouses

In greenhouse conditions, observe the following preventive measures:

· After harvesting, carefully remove all plant residues;

· Disinfect the surfaces of the greenhouse walls, soil. To do this, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 5 g of the product for 10 liters of water;

After tomatoes and eggplants, plant peppers in these areas only after 2-3 years;

· During planting, do not allow seedlings to thicken;

· Observe humidity, temperature conditions, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse;

· After the flowering of the pepper, treat the plants. To do this, use drugs designed to combat fungal diseases.

In the fall, after harvesting, do a thorough cleaning in the garden. After all, plant remains, garbage serve as a favorable place for the preservation of fungal spores. Observing preventive measures, rules of care, you will get an excellent harvest of pepper, and get rid of late blight.

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