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5 foods to help improve blood health

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Blood is the main nutrient solution of the human body. It feeds cells with oxygen and "utilizes" carbon dioxide. What way of life I lead, how I eat, my blood also has such a quality.

Exicosis of blood

Blood thickens and becomes viscous when there is not enough fluid in it. She hardly moves through the vessels, poorly nourishes the cells, and blood circulation is impaired. All the time you want to sleep, you feel fatigue and heaviness in all organs, memory deteriorates. To improve blood health, to postpone old age, I try to drink a lot of water and other fluids every day - at least eight glasses, and do not forget about plant foods: they retain fluid in the body.

5 foods to help improve blood health

I always start any meal with fresh vegetable salads. I eat fruits in the morning or as a snack between meals - this is right and good for the body.

Blood thinns if you consume a sufficient amount of red fish, garlic, citrus fruits, figs, olives, beets, pomegranates, ginger.

Blood thickens from alcohol, sugar, buckwheat, fatty meat, canned and smoked food, soda, potatoes, bananas.

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Folic acid, iron, vitamin C, B vitamins, carbohydrates - this is not a complete list of nutrients that are found in grapes. In large quantities, it effectively relieves anemia and chronic fatigue without medication.

Contraindications: I am overweight and suffer from stomach ulcers, so I practically do not eat grapes and do not drink grape juice. This sunny fruit is also contraindicated in diabetes, diarrhea and chronic lung diseases.


I prefer carrots to all overseas fruits because I find them very useful in cleansing the blood of toxins and in the fight against cancer. In the heat treatment process, carrots become even healthier.

Important! Carrots contain carotene and the most important condition is not to exceed the useful dose, otherwise the liver will not cope with it. I also advise to temporarily exclude carrots from the diet during the period of exacerbation of the ulcer and with inflammation of the intestines.


Apples are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and, of course, iron. Calcium normalizes blood clotting, pectins lower cholesterol levels.

Important note: I choose only sweet varieties of apples in the store, as I suffer from high acidity.


This amazing root vegetable contains a significant amount of B vitamins, iron salts, folic acid, which are involved in hematopoietic processes. Thanks to beets, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, it prevents sclerosis, and normalizes blood circulation. I advise everyone who suffers from iron deficiency anemia to drink beet juice with honey every day - 3-4 times for half a glass.

An important point: I keep the juice in the refrigerator for three hours before drinking so that there is no vasospasm. It is undesirable to eat beets with kidney failure, kidney stones and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


The liver is healthier than tenderloin. The nutrients contained in it, including iron, are very well absorbed. I really love liver - chicken, pork and beef. Firstly, because it is tasty, Secondly, because it prevents blood clots, improves blood clotting, increases the level of hemoglobin in it, has anti-inflammatory act. I always try to cook the liver quickly so as not to lose its beneficial qualities during the cooking process.

I do not buy a liver for my mother, because it is contraindicated for older people, as it can cause such an unwanted disease as gout.

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