I fertilize flowers castor oil, and they grow wild!
Good morning, readers! Today's publication - my personal experience with photos. I really like to grow indoor plants and experimenting with traditional dressings. On the Internet often I come across a recipe fertilizing flowers castor oil (In the home - castor oil) for their abundant blooms. And, finally, I decided to try it. As I did it, what came of it, and, actually, recipe - article.
Castor oil - environmentally friendly natural product that will be very useful for the use of chemicals in the house of the opponents. It is made from castor beans.
The oil was micro- and macronutrients and organic compounds that act natural flowering stimulants in plants. Castor oil is useful for all kinds of home colors, but the results are most noticeable at the flowering species. I chose to experiment with just two of these:
- Hoya "Artur Karnoza" (Ordinary grandmother Hoya). Her long lashes were extended and they were germ buds are not blooming for months. Even spring sun did not go my Hoye benefit. Cope with the problem of whether the castor oil?
- violets (Saintpaulia) "bezymyashku". She, unlike Artur Karnoza each year pleases me a long and abundant flowering. I wondered what effect the introduction of the national fertilizer? I began to feed his "Bezymyashku" just at the stage of formation of flower buds.
Hoya Artur Karnoza beginning to bloom in a month. During this time I managed to feed her castor oil 2 times (dressing made with an interval of 2 weeks - this is the "gold standard", and specific recommendations for making it castor oil). Moreover, they are beginning to pick up more and more new brush buds. The result - in the photo:
As I have said, with the blooming violets and I had no problems. However, castor oil has had its impact on the violets! Its flowers are markedly increased in diameter (about 0.5 cm), and their dark violet color with a strong purple tinge became deep color. I was very happy!
How do I fertilize my flowers castor oil
Needless to castor oil is not suitable for irrigation. It is very thick: create on the soil surface a dense film, which will prevent the penetration of air and sufficient water evaporation. So increases the risk of various diseases; the most common of them - the rot caused by pathogenic fungi. So we need to prepare castor oil was.
I do it like this:
- I receive an empty plastic bottle of 1 liter;
- pour it defend the water with the addition of a pair of apple vinegar drops (in order to further soften the water - in my it very rigid region);
- pour 1 teaspoon of castor oil;
- very carefully shaken to evenly distribute the oil in the water.
Use the solution should be immediately after its preparation, otherwise oil again go astray in big drops - in that should not be used as a liquid.
There are 2 ways to use colors fertilizer castor oil:
- root feeding (normal root watering);
- foliar application (spray from a spray of green mass - buds and flowers spray is not recommended!).
I combine these methods with each other to enhance the result. Repeat the procedure to 2-week intervals. If you liked my experiment and report on it, please put on the publication of "Thumbs up") Other people's money to feed plants is available here: Folk feeding for indoor plants. Working!