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8 houseplants with a pleasant smell

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Indoor plants - not only for home decoration. Some of them have also a wonderful smell. Our channel published a selection of 10 "fragrant" home of flowers!

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#1🌿 Mint

"Mint" sill
"Mint" sill

Undemanding plant when grown in the house. In mint large root, from which there are always new, nice smelling shoots with pale green leaves. In the room, where it grows mint, fresh and easy to breathe!

A more useful mint on the farm. Its fresh leaves - ingredient of many delicious dishes (often it is used for desserts). And from dried mint leaves get delicious tea or supplement to black or green!

# 2 🌿 Rosemary

Home rosemary
Home rosemary

Another herb-spice. It grows well throughout the year, though a bit whimsical: dry air destroy the "green pet", so you have to take care of the additional air humidification. Not bad cope with the task of regular spraying from a spray!

And yet rosemary cleans the air and fills it with a subtle pleasant aroma. Leaves, needles it is filtered, removing harmful impurities.

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# 3🌿 Lavender

Charming home Lavender
Charming home Lavender

The gentle scent of lavender calms the nerves and helps to sleep, so it is recommended to put in the bedroom. The plant repels insects in summer for sure come in handy!

The only caveat: Lavender loves the light, because their natural habitat is growing under the red-hot sun. Therefore, in winter, when very little light, home bush may die. Nothing wrong! Lavender has been successfully grown from seed in the spring.

# 4 🌿 Basil

Pots with basil
Pots with basil

Universal seasoning for various dishes. Especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine. And still leaves brewed into tea.

Bush basil in a pot - a real survivor among his own kind. It grows up to several years. Small growing secret: should tear off the old, large leaves. So the young leaves will grow and grow!

# 5 🌿Zhasmin

jasmine room
jasmine room

Jasmine room - a source of subtle aroma during flowering. Its flowers are fully disclosed in the evening: about 18-20 hours, when the heat subsided.

# 6 🌿 room geranium (pelargonium)

red geranium
red geranium

It beats all records of popularity. Along with the gorgeous blooms surprisingly unpretentious! Yes, you all know. a great many varieties of colorful geraniums today withdrawn - there will surely favorite!

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# 7 🌿 Coffee Tree

Young coffee tree in a pot
Young coffee tree in a pot

To be honest, the plant is very capricious and bad bloom in the home. But if you get to do it, the house will fill an unusual aroma of coffee!

# 8 🌿Zhimolost

Honeysuckle unobtrusive but pleasant smell of man. Especially brightly it opens at night.

Honeysuckle is easily propagated by cuttings, which quickly take root in water or immediately - the ground. The plant can also be obtained from the seeds. But then the fragrant flowers appear only in 2 years!

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