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Space X successfully landed the Starship SN15 prototype for the first time

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After a series of unsuccessful attempts to land prototypes intended for interplanetary flights Starship from companySpace x, another test module SN15 landed safely on the launch pad and remained unharmed. It is about this epoch-making event in world cosmonautics that I want to tell you today.

Starship SN15 prototype after a safe landing at SpaceX
Starship SN15 prototype after a safe landing at SpaceX

A series of tests and the first success of Starship

So, Starship is the future of modern astronautics, in which spacecraft will be reusable. And in the not so distant future, Space X specialists plan to use Starship for flights to the Moon, Mars and other planets of the solar system.

But before the spaceship leaves for other worlds, you need to go through a series of extremely important tests on Earth.

So the first suborbital flight of the Starship SN8 prototype was completed in December 2020, but during those tests the returned rocket could not land and crashed on the launch pad of the cosmodrome.

The starship descends towards Earth using four flaps to steer its way towards the landing site. Spacex
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Prototype SN9, which also reached an altitude of 10 km and performed all planned maneuvers at altitude, also crashed on landing. The prototype SN10 was already able to land literally for a couple of moments, but due to problems and damage during landing, it still disappeared in the explosion.

So, during each of the tests, the company's engineers made critical changes to the ship's design, and each time the engineers were getting closer to a successful landing.

And finally it was the turn to take to the sky Starship SN15. The prototype still climbed to an altitude of 10 km, completed all the planned maneuvers and headed back to the launch pad.

The next-generation starship is the vehicle that SpaceX hopes to use to transport cargo and people into orbit, the moon, and eventually Mars. Spacex

As Starship approached the surface, the Raptor's engines re-fired and stabilized the rocket in upright position (it was at this point that previous prototypes failed) and smoothly landed the SN15 on starting table.

As a result, Starship successfully sat down and remained unharmed (a small fire that was quickly extinguished does not count).

A video from the very start to a successful landing can be seen in the video below.

Well, now humanity has become one step closer to reusable astronautics and the first manned flight of a man to Mars. Now we will closely follow the SuperHevy trials, the successful completion of which will remove the last obstacle before the creation and flight of man to the planets of the solar system.

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