I love violets, and recently I read about bad omens associated with them. Is it worth believing?
I love violets and have been growing them on the windowsill for several years. They attract with a variety of flowering, their bright beauty and unpretentiousness. In any case, I am good at propagating them, and they do not require special care, and they bloom almost all year round. And how much joy they bring during the exuberant flowering! It happens that I admire this charm for a long time.
The women we work with also plant violets, sometimes we exchange planting material with each other. And somehow I didn’t have to hear about the negative influence of these beautiful flowers on a person. And tutu recently learned about the signs associated with the violet (scientifically saintpaulia). And why don't they write to people!
It turns out that Saintpaulias can create an unfavorable climate in the family, affect the mood of the household, which can cause quarrels and scandals. Moreover, the violet belongs to the so-called "muzhegon", and is called the flower of loneliness. It is better for young girls seeking to get married not to get carried away with the cultivation of these lovely flowers. Connoisseurs especially do not recommend putting violets on the windowsill. Allegedly, at the same time, a powerful female energy develops, leaving no room for men in the house. Once these flowers were planted on the graves, which is probably why keeping violets in the house is considered a bad omen.
I will not list other negative beliefs associated with this beautiful ornamental plant. There are as many of them as there are good omens. It seems that people invented them as opposed to each other. For example, according to Eastern beliefs, violets bring peace and tranquility to the house. Thanks to them, the climate in the family becomes milder, conflicts are smoothed out. In addition, it is believed that Saintpaulia brings prosperity, prosperity, stability to the house. Beautiful violet inflorescences can bring more femininity to the home space.
Eastern sages say that if the family lacks funds, the violet can attract wealth. To attract money, it is recommended to plant violets with red flowers. And that white inflorescences chase away trouble, relieve people of bad mood. Blue violets supposedly inspire people of art to create new works.
People believe in signs, striving for a better life, to avoid troubles and troubles, and at the same time everyone thinks in their own way. It is believed that if the plant grows quickly and produces many flowers, this indicates a good atmosphere in the house. But wilting indicates a lack of understanding between households, the approach of trouble.
There are also more prosaic signs that have arisen, apparently, from some kind of scientific observation. Saintpaulias are recommended to be placed on windowsills in order to get rid of ants. And you can't keep violets in the bedroom, as they absorb oxygen at night and release it during the day. And so on and so forth…
In general, the more I read about omens, the more I get confused. They clearly contradict each other. For example, they write that violets grow well in the kitchen and living room, where there are more people. Nothing like this. I tried to keep it in the kitchen - they quickly stop blooming, apparently from kitchen smells. I have been keeping all the other violets on the windowsills in the hall for many years. They do not show any signs of "muzhegon". We live with my husband for half a century soon, and, apparently, he is not going to leave. True, there are no ants in the house either.
In general, as a result of this knowledge, I developed a persistent skepticism about all signs. In my opinion, you should not believe in all the nonsense invented by people. Create beauty around and admire it! In my opinion, this is the best that a person can do.
And what do you think?