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What are "White Holes", how did the theory of their existence come about and where they are offered to look

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Many people know about black holes and, despite the fact that it is impossible to see them, scientists at least know where and how to look for them. But there is a much more exotic theory, according to which "black holes" have antipodes - "white holes". Here we will talk about them in the current article.

What are " White Holes", how did the theory of their existence come about and where they are offered to look

What are "white holes" in general?

So, according to theoretical concepts, a "white hole" is a hypothetical object of the Universe, into the area of ​​which nothing is simply unable to enter.

In this case, the "white hole" is a temporal opposite and, despite the fact that most physicists convinced that they do not exist, they (white holes) are predicted by the equations of general theory relativity.

In the 1960s, theoretical physicist I. Novikov.

How did the white hole theory come about?

For the first time, they seriously started talking about the fact that there are some mysterious objects in the cosmic abyss, which can be conventionally called "white holes", Israeli astrophysicists Sh. Heller and A. Retter. And according to their version, the "white hole" became the primary source of the unexplained gamma-ray flash under the number GRB060614.

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Event GRB060614 was registered in 2006, and according to the established idea, flares of this type are generated by nothing more than the appearance of black holes and there are two varieties.

Event GRB060614, which is called a manifestation of a white hole
Event GRB060614, which is called a manifestation of a white hole

In the first case of transformation of massive stars into a black hole, long gamma-ray bursts with a length of two seconds, and in the second, if neutron stars collide, then a short gamma-ray burst occurs (less than one seconds).

But here's the bad luck. During the event GRB060614, the outburst lasted more than 100 seconds, and according to all existing models, a huge black hole should have appeared in this area. But as further observations showed, no black hole appeared in that region of outer space.

Well, if we assume that white holes are real, then the event GRB060614 can be explained by the ejection substance from the white hole, that is, a process has taken place that is completely opposite to the process that occurs in black hole.

How does a white hole look and function?

According to modern concepts of theoretical physicists, a black hole is nothing more than a sphere, and if within the radius of this sphere any matter gets in, then it will be pulled into the center of the sphere under the influence of monstrous gravity and literally torn into atoms.

Well, some theorists suggest that matter pulled into a black hole in this way does not disappear. in it without a trace, and in some way falls into a white hole and is thrown out of it, but already into another The universe. And at the same time, matter is sent from the present to the past. That is, in theory, a white hole is a black hole reversed in time.

At the same time, white holes are rather unstable objects. And since the matter ejected by them increases the gravitational force more and more, then under certain conditions and in a certain the moment the object collapses, which was formed from the matter ejected by the white hole, and the already familiar black hole.

So, it is likely that at the moment the overwhelming number of white holes, which most likely formed during the Big Bang, have already degenerated into black holes.

Where to find the remaining white holes?

According to scientists A. Retter and S. Heller, probably still white holes are still periodically and at the same time quite spontaneously formed in outer space and almost instantly, having thrown out all the matter, disappear.

And at the same time, according to theorists, white holes, in principle, cannot be positioned as some kind of space objects, but these are some "passages" that exist for only a few minutes.

So a rather rare manifestation of a white hole was the event GRB060614, which was registered by astronomers back in 2006. But where and when the next white hole will appear is simply unrealistic to predict.

Well, I must admit the theory of the existence of white holes is quite curious and not devoid of elegance. I ask you, dear readers, to express your opinion on this issue in the comments.

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