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Are all beneficial quail eggs?

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No long ago does not argue that the quail eggs are a source of many nutrients and vitamins. They are used for food. They are trained masks, they are used in the diets and treatments.

In fact, quail egg about half the size of a chicken, and vitamins and minerals in it anymore. And also in two (on average) times. Regular consumption of quail eggs, will greatly enhance the vitality and strengthen the immune system.

  • Substance contained in a small egg, strengthen your memory so that you will be surprised. The nervous system, will also receive the lion's share of useful components.
  • Admission eggs regularly, strengthens blood vessel walls, and will benefit the entire circulatory system. All the toxins and wastes will be eliminated from the body without a trace. Increase in hemoglobin, decrease in pressure in hypertensive patients, is not a complete list of useful, they can give blood, quail eggs.
  • For women, there is an additional plus, this is a rapid improvement in the condition of hair, nails and skin.
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  • The structure of the egg comes in very useful substance-lysozyme. This substance increases the body's resistance to cancer. The substance penetrates and destroys tumor shell from the inside. Actively used in the treatment of cancer. Eggs are not only drinking raw, but also make the injection.

All sorts of studies have shown that the eggs are useful for both adults and children. Regular consumption, significantly slow down the aging processes in the female body.

Men with eggs used will improve their potency, increase sexual desire, as well as build muscle during exercise.

On the recommendations of the doctors recommended to drink two raw eggs on a daily basis - for children and adults, from 4 to 8 pieces.

The product is really useful and therapeutic. It costs not crazy money, so in order to maintain their health, should it acquire, to eat and to feed the family.

To be completely objective, it should be noted that the product is a high-calorie, so people who are prone to obesity, it should not eat. Limitation and in people who are allergic to egg protein. Quail eggs are contraindicated for people with kidney disease and liver.

Of restrictions, that's all. I want to add that helpful in the use of eggs is a regularity rather than their quantity. Therefore, even in the most useful products necessarily have to comply with the measure.

Do you believe that the eggs can really help in the treatment of cancer?

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