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Fennel seeds: useful properties such as make and accept

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Benefits and harms of fennel seeds - a very important question for those who appreciate home treatments. Dill seeds are found in a part of many recipes, you need to understand how they affect the body.

The chemical composition of fennel seeds

Rich structure - the reason the benefits and harms of fennel seeds to the body. In particular, the seeds contain:

  • potassium, phosphorus;
  • sodium, iron and copper;
  • manganese and selenium;
  • calcium and magnesium;
  • essential amino acids - lysine, histidine, arginine;
  • saccharides and glycosides;
  • phytosterols and volatile;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated type;
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B9 and B6;
  • vitamins A, C and PP;
  • fiber and ash.

100 g of the product contains about 304 kcal - a median, but usually taking seeds in small quantities.

How useful dill seeds for the body

The product has many features, but the main advantage of fennel seeds for the human body is that they:

  • act effective laxative and a diuretic;
  • It has a calming effect on the nervous system and reduce the level of anxiety and stress;
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  • normalize blood pressure and improve vascular compliance;
  • help with colds and ailments of the respiratory tract;
  • strengthen the body's defenses and resistance to viruses;
  • relieve pain and reduce inflammation;
  • a beneficial effect on skin condition, have an anti-aging effect;
  • normalize digestive processes;
  • a positive effect on the heart.

Additional useful properties of fennel seeds for the human body are manifested in the fact that drinks based product to help clean the intestines and the blood of all the harmful substances, which reduces the load on liver.


Special use fennel seeds for women is that they facilitate the flow of painful menstruation and normalize menopausal ailments. Funds on the basis of this product is useful to use in case of failures in the menstrual cycle, the seeds help to establish a normal work of the body.

Also, the healing properties of fennel seed for the women manifested in the fact that the tool helps fight swelling, relieves nausea - this is especially important during pregnancy. With the help of fennel and its seeds can be stored for longer youth and beauty, the seeds are used in the home cosmetics.


Home fennel seeds benefits for men is that the product improves and accelerates blood circulation and thus increases the potency. fennel seeds can be considered an effective natural aphrodisiac.

In addition, the medicinal properties of dill seeds for men expressed in a high content of amino acids in product, in particular, arginine increases endurance, it helps fight fatigue after physical loads.

For newborns and older children

Newborn babies with colic are encouraged to offer useful dill vodichku - this tool removes intestinal spasms and eliminates constipation. If the child does not like the taste of conventional means, the water can be mixed with mother's milk. Dosages used in order to prevent harm are very small - a teaspoon three times a day.

The benefits of fennel seed treatment will be for the older children - they can give infusions and decoctions. Useful properties of these tools to help with constipation, with nocturnal enuresis, with worms and coughing.

Attention! Since dill seeds have a number of contraindications, you need to consult a pediatrician before offering them to the child.

Otherwise home remedy can cause harm.

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