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Porridge oats: benefit and harm, how to cook with milk and water

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Benefits and harms of herculean porridge for all, who are accustomed to eat healthy and delicious food. To understand the properties of oats, it is necessary to study the composition and main features.

What makes oats

The product is called "Hercules" is made from oat seeds. They are processed by special technology - they are exempt from the hard shell, which is not digested by the human stomach, and crushed and turned into flakes. Thus, after thermal treatment Hercules turns into a soft and pleasant taste porridge.

What is different from the oatmeal porridge

Many people mistakenly believe that the oatmeal and rolled oats - are one and the same product under different names. In reality this is not so.

Oatmeal consists of whole grains, resembles rice, and requires long cooking - at least half an hour. A rolled oats is already cleaned, flattened and steamed grain - no need to prepare it for more than 5 minutes.

In addition, the benefits and harms of oatmeal oats still differ from those of ordinary oatmeal. For all the values ​​in the untreated rolled oats oatmeal nutrients more.

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The composition and caloric content of cereals herculean

Hercules to human health is very useful, although it does not require long cooking. As part of the present:

  • important vitamins for human health - E, B1, B9, B2, PP;
  • basic mineral components - iron and sodium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, calcium and potassium;
  • relatively rare elements iodine, cobalt and manganese;
  • disaccharides;
  • starch;
  • ash.

100 g of product is present little more than 10 grams of protein and about 6 grams fat, about 60 g is the proportion of carbohydrate. As for the caloric herculean porridge 100 g, it depends on how it's cooked.

  • For example, if the flakes are prepared just on the water, their nutritional value will be about 89 calories.
  • Caloric Hercules milk will be determined by the properties of the milk - and to average from 112 to 287 calories.

Important! If you add in the sugar and butter product, the amount of calories also increase in proportion to the amount of these additives.

Useful properties herculean porridge

Treated oat grains of cereals are very valuable for the human body because:

  • is saturated with vitamins and valuable trace elements, all systems and internal organs;
  • make stronger resistance to viruses and colds;
  • help to quickly get rid of toxins and waste;
  • protect against harmful cholesterol blood vessels and help the liver;
  • beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • If used regularly, strengthens the heart and stimulate brain activity.

Properties Hercules valuable to athletes and to all who are engaged in heavy physical labor. Organic compounds in the product helps to quickly assimilate the amino acids - and thus contribute to the growth and repair of muscles.

Useful oatmeal, consisting mainly of slow carbohydrates, well saturated. One serving of cereal is enough to for a long time do not feel hunger.

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