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3 main reasons why Peonies do not bloom

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Brightly blooming peonies - the pride and ornament of any garden. But sometimes there is the problem of lack of flowering, even if the external bush looks healthy and promising.

The reasons can be many and it is necessary to understand each situation.

Experienced growers are three main groups:

1. Problems with the soil and location. For example, too shady, or vice versa, very sunny plot, peonies like moderation in all things.

Too much humidity can adversely affect the development of plants. The main symptom of the problem - there are buds, but not dismissing wither and die.

Excess soil acidity may inhibit flowering, ideal - pH 6.5, the rate is better to check and control.

Quality soil, with the presence of all the necessary minerals and elements important component of the abundant flowering of all plants.

2. Another major cause is early truncation of the leaves, for example, some gardeners spend it at the end of August or the beginning of September.

The plot becomes a tidier appearance, but it is dangerous for plants, so can disrupt the process of laying and formation of new flower buds.

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Only in the late autumn, you can carry out this procedure when the internal preparation processes are completed for flowering next year.

Only the end of October-beginning of November is ideal for trimming foliage, certainly in view of the pion is not aesthetic, but bloom in the next season will be pleasantly surprised.

3. The third reason - the problem with the root system. For example, damage by nematodes, rodents, viral infection. On domestic issues says the appearance of a bush, so for example, twisted leaves, shoots too elongated, very thin, branching stems.

In most cases it is necessary to remove and destroy such pions to avoid provoking spread of infection at the site. Just on flowering affects the age of the root system and its size.

If you have recently had a large seating arrangement and too shallow root stripped delenki, then bloom should not count only after 1-2 years.

Peony requires attention and regular care, but it is the power of even a beginner gardeners. There are several factors influencing the peony, to them it is imperative to pay attention to:

· Intelligently selected location landing;

· Too small delenki;

· The age of the plant (with the age of flowering becomes poorer);

· Diseases and pests;

· Soil quality (e.g., lack of minerals);

· Early crop shoots.

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