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Mole and pest of vegetable crops

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Mole has many names: kapustyanka, spinning, earthy cancer. It brings great harm to crops and even gardens. By extravagance has no equal.

Many gardeners lowered his hands in frustration, but there are some methods and techniques that will help get rid of this vegetable garden pest.

What harm cricket

This insect in appearance resembles a grasshopper cancer and at the same time. The front legs are powerful enough relative to the body. Due to their long it is able to dig tunnels in the ground.

Eats along the way everything that comes from the roots of the newly planted seedlings to mature vegetables:

· Radishes;

· Carrots;

· Potatoes;

· Cabbage;

· Pepper.

The presence of mole crickets in the garden show small holes made in the beds, as well as loose soil mound, hill, after the mole. In these heaps, they lay their eggs.

Particularly active this pest shows in the evening. Deal with it is very difficult: it is able to crawl, fly and swim, so you should destroy not only adults, but also eggs.

Pest management

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Tested by many different ways. The most effective folk remedies, especially manure, to which cricket has a particular fondness.

Using this, gardeners dig a small pit in which lay the manure. The smell of the manure slides pestilent insects.

They hibernate and are going to spend the winter in a dunghill. After the first frost manure must control and spread evenly over the surface area. Being sleepy, cricket freezes.

In the spring, before the first seedlings, manure heap is spread throughout the garden. They cricket laying eggs, which must be destroyed.

No less effective, but more expensive way to deal with the help of vegetable oil and water, which in turn is poured into the hole.

Oil closes the breathing of an insect, and it is selected from the hole, where it is necessary to physically trample.

It is also possible to fill in holes concentrated soap solution. Pest or die in a hole, or crawls out of it.

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In addition to folk remedies with Medvedkov can be combated by the use of special chemicals.

Gardeners use "Lightning", "Prestige", "grizzly", "Medvetoks" and other preparations produced in the form of granules. They laid out a few pieces in the holes, and lightly covered with soil.

At work we should not forget about safety precautions, because the substances are toxic.


The insect does not tolerate strong smells, so vegetables can be planted to protect, if at the same location, between the holes, put:

· Garlic;

· Chrysanthemum;

· Marigold;

· Coriander.

When planting seedlings into the wells usually added crushed eggshells, peel onions, you can drop a few drops of kerosine previously mixing it with sand.

From onion skin makes the present, which is regularly sprayed with vegetable crops: kapustyanka can not stand the smell of onions.

Mole is capable of destroying the entire crop, but this attack can be overcome, if armed with knowledge, tools and begin to take action.

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