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How to correctly use the sawdust in the garden and the garden?

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Sawdust - demanded material in the garden and the garden. Due to its unique chemical and biological properties, they can be applied in all aspects of country life.

Proper use of supplements will help to improve the properties of the soil, increase productivity and prevent many diseases of green space, but only a small error is able to nullify all the work gardener.

The use of sawdust in the garden and the garden

Gardeners appreciate the chips due to their beneficial properties and availability - additive can be extracted directly on the site or buy at a low price at any store for gardeners.

The use of sawdust is valuable in all areas of garden and country works:

1. Improvement of the composition and properties of the soil before planting whimsical garden and berry crops.

2. Mixing compost with the aim of feeding plants.

3. Mulching flower and fruit crops.

4. Warming thermophilic cultures - sawdust has good thermal conductivity.

5. Preparing warm beds.

6. Coating garden paths to prevent weed growth.

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Black earth, clay and sandy soils have a high density, and most of the garden cultures prefer loose soil, so the chips are ideal for the preparation of the substrate under the seedlings.

Composting with sawdust

Preparing compost eliminates all the negative properties of the soil - the depletion of nutrients, the oxidant reduction, etc.

The most useful is considered an anaerobic compost, prepare for 3-6 months.

In the compost pit lay layers:

· Milled organics;

· Fertilizer;

· Soil;

· Sawdust.

· Nitrophosphate.

All components should be well compacted, cover with a layer of film and herbs. After a few months the fertilizer can be used in any horticultural purposes.

Sawdust as baking powder soil

If there is no time for preparation of compost, and on the site has accumulated a lot of chips, they can be used as a leavening agent soil in several ways:

1. Mixing with the purpose mullein feeding and growth of greenhouse plants in proportions of 1: 1.

2. Adding rotted sawdust while digging the area, allowing the soil retain moisture longer and get a loose structure.

3. Dropping row spacing for growing vegetables with a prolonged period of maturation.

Interesting fact! If you add the sawdust into the soil when digging, such soil quickly thawed after winter.

It is better not to use sawdust as a wet shelter - material winter freezes and forms an ice crust over the plants.

Improving soil structure and increase of productivity is achieved by a set of measures - the use of chips is only one way to achieve the desired result.

Sawdust is equally well suited for use in greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as outdoors.

Mulch and fertilizer, where dust is a major component, is much superior to any other useful properties of the materials and the cost of such additives surprisingly low.

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