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Crackers: benefits and harms health

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It is difficult to find someone who has never used the crackers as a snack. But few thought that these "meals" do harm. Benefits and harms of crackers disclosed in their composition and manufacturing method. In order not to ruin the health, it is necessary to understand the intricacies of selection, properties, benefits, dangers, methods of preparation and use of their opportunities in various diseases.

The chemical composition of crackers

Crackers in the traditional sense - it is cut into pieces of equal parts of bread, again baked in ovens. They are rye or wheat, on the basis of a pea or oat flour, from the rolls. Products rich in natural vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, E, PP;
  • organic compounds (starch, cellulose);
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • iron, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, iodine;
  • zinc, molybdenum, selenium.

All useful components are involved in digestion, improve metabolism, saturating the body with energy by regulating the exchange of phospholipids in the liver. Lack of elements affect the bowels, the digestion of food, so nutritionists advise to replace the fresh baked biscuits in their useful properties.

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How many calories in bread crumbs

Rusk high in calories, so their use requires dosing. The number of calories depends on the recipe and bake the product properties. The presence of additives in the form of raisins, chocolate drops and other supplementary ingredients increase the energy properties of the product and will add calories. The use of such a product is not useful, especially for weight loss.

Black bread

Benefits of crackers from black bread consists of the following properties and features:

  • a low calorie compared with white varieties;
  • low glycemic index: It is important for people with diabetes;
  • minimal amount of simple carbohydrates;
  • rich vitamin complex.

Dried black toast useful not only for those who decided to lose weight, but also those who do not adhere to the diet. Calorie - 335 calories. Damage to such items do not exactly bring, but enrich the body with fiber and optimize digestion.

Important! Lose weight on some breadcrumbs, despite their favor, it is impossible. It is necessary to control the amount consumed slices because of their calorie content.

White bread

Less use of crumbs of white bread. The products made from wheat flour more carbohydrates and simple, entailing a change in blood sugar levels. It brings a lot of harm to the body. Calorie 100g - 400 kcal. High figure suggests that the use of white crackers can be harmful, since provokes the accumulation of fatty deposits.

types of crackers

Of useful or harmful properties of crackers affect their classification, which is caused by the 2-position:

  • simple;
  • Full-flavored.

For the first type is used as rye and wheat flour, by combining them. Test properties are characterized by a lower water content.

The fabrication process starts with baking dough previously distributed in special molds.

After the product has cooled, it is cut into equal parts. When drying humidity should not reach more than 10%, it is useful to interleave with cooling. When the last batch is ready, useful slices packed in the package.

Butter Dried bread, the use of which is reduced due to the additional impurities, it is baked from white flour. Wheat crackers contain sugar, fat components, fruit and other additions. The process of preparing the same, but the properties are designed also to meet the gastronomic needs of customers, the possible harm while less attention.

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