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Why of blackcurrant leaves turn yellow? The causes of the disease and treatments

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Currant - one of the most useful and delicious berries grown on the entire territory of Russia. Currant bushes are often attacked by pests and diseases.

It so happens that the leaves turn yellow and curl bushes. This article will tell in detail, with what it can be connected, and what to do in such a situation.

Description of the problem

Yellowing leaves can be different. There are several types:

· Yellowing crown. The rest of the leaves remain green, bush fruits well.

· Leaves turn yellow throughout the summer in any part of the bush.

· The leaves turn yellow and fall off sharply, shrub or fruit.

· Only yellow leaves on the lower branches. In general, the plant is doing well.

Such differences in the symptoms occur for various reasons yellowing.

Causes yellowing of leaves

There are many factors which may cause such symptoms. The article describes the most popular:

· Pests. Most often the leaves have yellow currants for this reason. Among the pests, you can select the most dangerous: gall aphids, currant sesiidae, spider mite.

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All these parasites suck juices from the plant. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, curl bush cease to bear fruit. When pests attack the leaves turn yellow in a chaotic manner.

· infection. There are many diseases that affect the berry bushes. Among the most dangerous you can highlight these: anthracnose, terry, spotting, sferoteka and others.

The plant may be affected by one or multiple disease. Infection occurs by wind from other shrubs or contaminated garden tools.

Treatment of infections is much harder than getting rid of the pests.

· Lack of micronutrients. Foliage yellowing under nitrogen deficiency. This manifests itself as follows: first yellow streaks, and then the main area of ​​the sheet.

When potassium deficiency leaves turn yellow at the edges. If you do not have enough magnesium, they become only yellow lower leaves.

Iron deficiency leaves first turn pale green and sluggish, and then abruptly turn yellow.

Causes yellowing of leaves can be combined. For example, currants may lack magnesium, and at the same time, the bush is attacked by pests.

How to get rid of the yellowing

Before, proceed to scrub treatment, you need to pinpoint the cause of yellowing.

If the leaves turn yellow from lack of nutrients, it is a simple fix. Enough to feed the plant well. It is best to use the complex mineral fertilizers.

So you can immediately make up for deficiency of many minerals.

Combat pests need chemicals. For this purpose a good fit "Agravertin", "Aktofit", "Malathion". Badly damaged shoots better to remove that pests are not multiplied.

While infecting currant fungal or bacterial infection you can try such remedies: "Topaz", "fundazol", "Envidor" bluestone.

In the treatment of hives by any chemicals should be used personal protective equipment: goggles, mask and gloves.

Preparations need to breed strictly according to instructions. If you do not follow the rules of treatment, you can get the negative consequences for themselves or for the bushes.

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