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Chinese cabbage - especially growing

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How to grow Chinese cabbage in his garden? Its harvest is obtained not only in China. Taking into account the peculiarities of culture, it is possible to collect tens of kilograms of useful vegetables. First of all it is necessary to determine the grade, choose the appropriate. There are plenty of them.

That is especially popular and suitable for our climate varieties

· Vesnianka;

· Wineglass;

· Decoy;

· Red Dragon;

· Taranco;

· Chacha;

· Beijing Express;

· Orange heart;

· Tenderness;

· Thumbelina;

· Gardens Asia.

Ripening varieties Vesnianka It matures in 35 days. Juicy head is well suited for salads.

Glass is resistant to clubroot, fungi parasite, affects crucifers, matured for 70 days, the weight of head to 2 kg.

Chacha is middle-grade seeds are sown directly into the ground. Decoy very early high yielding variety.

Red Dragon has an attractive appearance, matures in 80 days.

Chinese cabbage can be planted in the greenhouse, sowing seeds directly into the ground, and seedlings, as a relative of cabbage.

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Cultivation of Chinese cabbage seedlings

Delicate root system can not move the pick, so the seeds for seedlings planted in peat pots. 2-4 seeds in each. A month before the planned landing on the beds.


1. Prepare containers for seedlings.

2. Make a soil mix 1 part of the earth, peat and complex fertilizers.

3. Fill the pots prepared substrate.

4. Pour water at room temperature.

5. To plant seeds.

6. Put in a warm dark place.

After germination the seedlings placed in direct sunlight. When there will be 5 leaves, choose high-end escape. His leave, and the rest prischipnut.

Before planting in the ground adapted to the outdoor temperature. To do this, stand on the private balcony or terrace, gradually increasing the time. Put on a bed, without removing it from the peat pots.

Planted open ground

In the long photoperiod cabbage gives the arrow goes into color. Therefore, put her on a bed at the end of April, beginning of May.

The second favorable time for planting - mid-August. In the southern regions of the plant cover from the sun.

Sow cabbage in this way:

1. Dig up the soil.

You need to dig deep to remove pupae shovels, overwintering in the topsoil.

2. Make wells.

The wells are placed at a distance of about half a meter from each other (depending on cultivar). To each well is filled 500 gr. compost or vermicompost. Mixed with earth.

3. Bury the seeds.

4. Watered.

After irrigation sprinkle ash, for moisture retention and protection against slugs.

5. Nestle nonwoven.

Help from frost.


Pekinka quite demanding to leave. Need loose soil, abundantly watered at the roots. To get rid of the hassle of weeds, sprinkle mulch.

Fertilize infusion of mullein diluted. Onions, garlic, tomatoes, dill growing and blooming on adjacent beds, deter pests.

Attacking cabbage: cruciferous Flea, scoop, slugs. Help spraying ash and garlic extract, aqueous acetic solution.

Fresh Chinese cabbage with their beds, will give a unique taste and saturate the body with vitamins. Even a novice gardener, be patient and follow these guidelines will grow a good crop.

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