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How to grow aristocrat-cutters in the garden

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Freesia is one of the most attractive plants. Its flowers look like small flowers gladiolus and exude a pleasant aroma, like the scent of lily of the valley, it is elegant and graceful. For these qualities, freesia is very popular among gardeners.

Freesia belongs to perennial herbaceous plants, iris family. There are more than 20 varieties of plants are the most diverse colors. Its flowers are arranged in a row on a long stalk that can reach one and a half meters, the plant leaves are bright green color.

In order to grow freesia in their area, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, which we will discuss in this article.

1. Training

Frese is propagated by seeds, tubers and corms buds. For planting in open ground, it is best to take the corms.

When selecting bulbs, it is necessary to pay attention to their appearance, they should not be wrinkled and have any damage. Before freesia planted in open ground, you first need to prepare it.

To do this, in early March, the bulbs should be placed in small pots with a special primer, which should consist of peat and turf ground, sand and humus. Or you can buy ready-made soil mix for bulbous plants.

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Before planting, tubers should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate or fitosporin, this is done in order to prevent rot and various diseases.

Next, you need to put the pots with bulbs in a warm, humid place, it is best to do a little greenhouse. In addition, you must always keep an eye on the ground, not giving it to dry.

After approximately 15 days will be the first rostochku and this will mean that the plant can be planted in open ground.

2. The choice of location and planting

The best place to plant freesia - this opening portion, slightly shaded, protected from the wind. Soil should be liquid pervious and nutrient, to have a neutral reaction.

Planting a plant need in April-May, when the soil temperature is not lower than 10-15 degrees.

If you land a plant in colder soil, it can not bark, but if the delay with landing and freesia plant in the ground with a temperature above 15 degrees, it will germinate, but flowering may never occur.

The depth of planting, the soil depends on the ease in which to land a plant.

If the soil is light, it is necessary to plant about 11 cm corms at a depth if severe, it is sufficient to 6 cm. Once the plant is planted, it should be well watered and zamulchirovat peat.

3. Care

During the growth of stems and leaves, the plant must be abundantly watered, as well as dressing complex fertilizers, which are necessary to make every two weeks.

In the period from August to September, starts flowering freesia. Flower stalks her quite weak and can be bent under the weight of colors, so you need to organize support for the plants.

Withered flowers best be removed before the seeds appear.
At the end of flowering, when the leaves turn yellow freesia, it is necessary to dig up bulbs in order to save them and planted next spring.

When the corms are dug up, they need to clean the old roots and scales.

Next, you need to treat them with fungicides and insecticides in order to get rid of pests and fungi. After that, the bulbs need a good dry and store it in a warm, humid place.

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