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How to plant a money tree feng shui and where to put his house

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First of all you need to forget about all the "lock" position. What is most important to attract the well-being? The crucial point in this is your willingness to be secured. And if you're ready, let's see, how to attract money using a money tree.

According to national signs, it is believed that the money tree so called because of the shape of its leaves. Which are a bit similar to the coins. But, if you follow the Feng Shui, the secret lies in their power, which is unique.

Leaves can instantly absorb nutrients and energy, accumulating them. And if the tree owner genuinely cares about him, the plant gives him the gift of accumulation.

How to plant a money tree

According to the rules of feng shui can not buy ready-made tree. And, in addition, it in principle, can not be bought for money.

The plant should feel cared for and absorb your energy. Therefore, it is necessary to plant on their own.

Before planting, the owner must ask the tree protection and financial well-being.

And in return to promise that he would take care of him. And life will not forget to communicate with him.

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1. It is necessary to break off a leaf of adult plants. Ideally, it must be done without asking permission, so no one saw.

2. It is believed that if presented to a tree, it does not bring the expected results of the new owner.

3. Before planting the cuttings in the ground need to hold the process in a container with water for several days. He should let the roots.

4. Pot for the tree to be special. He should not have wide deep form.

According to Feng Shui money are color: burgundy, red, gold, silver, brown and black. Well, if the color of the pot will meet these requirements.

5. As with any plant, it is better to put on the growing moon. Transplant - on Wednesday.

Where feng -shuyu should be a money tree

How effective is for you to be "work" money tree affects its competent location in the house.

Since the prosperity and wealth of his house meets the south-east, it is in this sector need to put a tree.

Once determined the welfare sector in the room, you need to proceed to registration.

First of all you need to clean, throw out all the old unnecessary things. Otherwise, they will prevent the ingress and movement of energy.

Put on the chosen place Money Tree. By the way, in some cases, it may be artificial. Since the laws of feng shui like the ability to attract like, under a tree, you can put your money.

The tree itself is decorated with ribbons, and under pot put a napkin. These attributes must be red.

In order to enhance the effectiveness on a napkin embroidered symbol of wealth. It is better if the zone itself is decorated in blue and green palette.

Behind a tree wealth should be cared for as a living being. This applies both to the living plant and the symbolic. Do not forget to wipe the dust on it.

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