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Globe-: wild beauty on your site

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Globe flower - a flower, which, according to tradition, elves live. It grows everywhere: in Scilla, in the meadows. The plant is undemanding, low content.
It prescribes the wild beauty and suburban areas. The most unpretentious perennial gardens fond owners for bright blooms and ease of care.

Features on the landing site dilution

For planting selected raw space. The plant grows best in partial shade. We must remember that the sun its flowers fade and fall off quickly.

The soil under the bushes should be loose. Needs drainage, globe-though water-loving, but do not like stagnant water.

Globe-not like change, can easily grow at the same place a large number of seasons. Propagated by dividing the bush it.

Faded flowers last, the plant turned into a calm state, it's time to break up the particles in the bush. The optimal period is mid-summer.

The earth with roots dug instance are not removed. Kom ground will not give the roots to dry - this will improve survival delenki. Bush is divided into delenki, which leave 3-4 buds. For the second year, these shrubs are large and have up to 6 stems.

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Globe can be diluted and seeds. Sow the seeds for seedlings in January, because it develops very slowly.

Prior Bedding plants kept at a temperature of 2 degrees. Doraschivat seedlings in the flowerbed. Flowers appear only in the second year. Are planted to a permanent place in August.

Care, possible disease

Watered Globe rare, but profusely. Such irrigation is required for young bushes in dry weather. Retain moisture helps mulch with peat.
Early in the spring and autumn the plant should fertilize with chemical fertilizers: bushes become more luxuriant, and colors - brighter. If you cut off the faded flower stalks, there will be a second wave of flowering.

Bush dies with the onset of frost, remaining decorative summer.

In autumn the leaves are cut. Above ground are the petioles 2-3 cm in height. At lower pruned bush may die. Hardiness and does not require the shelter.

Globe-are rarely exposed to the disease, but can sometimes be affected by fungal diseases, such as:
1. Septoria Leaf Spot

It affects the leaves of plants. Can lead to plant death.

2. Smut

It affected the whole plant. It turns into a viscous mass, and then - in the dust.

As a preventive measure in the fall need to process the bushes fungicides.

The use of plants for medicinal purposes

Globe-applied as a remedy, in the methods of folk medicine. For example, a great help with scabies.

· Maximum shredded root European globe (10 g) is diluted with a standard cup of boiling water;

· The future of medicine infused about 2 hours;

· Further strain the liquid is important and can be taken: a tablespoon per day. The infusion is recommended to drink beverages on the basis of honey.

The roots for the preparation of such drugs are harvested in the fall.

Globeflower - water-loving plant. Planted around the pond, it will look good among the rocks. Globe-well gets near tall perennials.

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