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After buying growers recommend immediately repot an orchid of the purchase capacity in the most convenient for its growth. As such, the selected pots, baskets, bowls.
The first step in this is taken into account the views of orchids available in terms of the apartment, and the care which it is able to provide the Florist. What exactly needs to be plant - some capacity, it remains to be determined.


Many terrestrial species survive well in pots. But it is important to choose the right capacity.

Best embodiments of the florist experience - the plastic container, the material which is polypropylene or polyethylene. As the material for such plants roots do not stick.

The pots convenient prodelyvat lot of holes for the air supply to the roots, as well as the removal of excess moisture. Another caveat - if the pot to ensure the legs about 6 cm in height, it will help to improve the circulation.

The bottom of the container is carpeted with soft moss or coconut, and then put the flower itself and the substrate. The plant needs frequent spraying with water.

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Clay containers are not as well tolerated capricious beauties, as the clay is hygroscopic, and plant roots cling to the walls of a container.

Additionally, when part of the roots of transplants always thus damaged, which can adversely affect the growth of the future.

Florists say that not every orchid will take a similar procedure and survived after it.
Today came into vogue include orchids in vases or pots of glass. In such cases, you can not use the substrate.

Just use different fillers or gels is strictly prohibited. Because glass options are better to use only experienced and knowledgeable lovers of flowers.

A beginners to start is to try growing in pots of plastic.

The contents in the blocks

Peculiar only to individual species of the genus Bromilievyh. This method is similar to natural growth conditions. For block system dense used any species of trees, especially fruit, vine.

When choosing this method, it is important to know that the roots dry out faster than usual, and therefore often have to spray the flower.

Comfortable plants grow in this method in large greenhouses, which maintained a constant temperature and humidity conditions.
At room conditions the blocks dry quickly. This method is quite difficult for beginners.

The only kind of - katleya that does not cause much difficulty, since increasing from top to bottom, and block most suits her.

Description of the way

Picks up a piece of wood, which can be given any shape. At the top of fasten the hook to fix the product on the wall.

In cases maintain a high humidity in the room under the substrate there is no need to mount the flower. In other cases, the substrate is made of moss, which absorbs and retains moisture.

The plant is applied to a block and primatyvaetsya thread. Roots, it should be to cover the crust. Such a method is considered in the alternative planting pot.

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