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Nasturtium - a unique plant for the garden. Features of cultivation

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Nasturtium is unique in that it is able to bloom abundantly in soils low fertility. If it is too feed, it will increase the green mass at the expense of flowering. To nasturtium has long been decorative, it is necessary to grow properly.

1. select place

Nasturtium light-requiring, so location is chosen for her as much as possible sunlight. Also, it must be protected from drafts.

Curly kind of nasturtium planted along the walls and fences, are used as a hedge; bush - for flowerbeds, mixborders, as potting culture.

2. Choose the composition of the soil

Soil for nasturtium selected lightweight, breathable, with a slight acidity.

Nutrient content should be moderate, as too poor soils, the plant is pulled, the leaves and flowers become smaller.

Too fertilized - list grows large, but flowering may not occur at all.

3. Land at the right time

Planted nasturtium usually in May, when there will be the threat of frost and the soil is well warmed up. There are two landing method: seedlings and nonseedlings.

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To softened casing is lowered for soaking seeds in warm water for 15 minutes, then take them out, wrapped in a damp cloth, and maintained under these conditions for 2 days.

The wells are dug depth of 2 cm at a distance of 20-30 centimeters apart. Each hole spread 2 seed.

If the planned contingencies freezing, the landing site need to cover the film.

4. Mulch

Nasturtium likes to have roots in the shade and the surface portion of the bright sun. Therefore, the root circle need to sprinkle peat, tree bark, sawdust.

Mulch will also help to maintain soil moisture.

5. properly watered

Nasturtium watered as needed. Stems from a lack of moisture the plants will wilt, turn yellow leaves, flowers crumble. If nasturtium is too watered, it can start to rot the roots.

6. Remove lost decorative pieces

For a well-groomed appearance is necessary to remove the yellowed and dried leaves, withered buds. From this beginning to form new buds.

If a gardener wants to collect the seeds of nasturtiums, the buds on the bush should be left to dry completely.

7. Combat diseases and pests

If the plant is provided with proper care, but it loses its decorative appearance, it means that he has been invaded by pests or ill.

Appeared insects sprayed with insecticides, fungicides treat disease. Too affected plants are removed from the flower bed, and burned.

When planting nasturtiums in a preheated moderately fertile soil, as well as proper care for her, she was a long time will delight others with bright, yellow-red palette colors.

In addition to decorative effect, the plant has another feature: its entire surface portion is considered in traditional medicine healing that can cure many diseases.

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