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Achimenes - luxuriant blooms with minimal care

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Achimenes belongs to the family Gesneriaceae. It is a perennial plant with interesting serrated leaves. Growers appreciate his magnificent flowering and unusual appearance of inflorescences. Achimenes does not apply to low-maintenance plants, it requires care and attention.

Feature plants - pineal roots (rhizomes). In the period of rest the aerial part dries.


Achimenes - photophilous plant. But at the same time it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore it is recommended to place on the east or west window.

South side can favorably affect its development. Recommended Flower pritenyat.


This thermophilic plant, however the temperature should not be below 20 degrees.

The recommended temperature range of 22 to 25 degrees.


Achimenes require moderate watering: excess and lack of water can lead to death of plants. The first mistake will lead to rotting of buds, the second - to the appearance of mold on the roots. The rest period is reduced watering.


Spraying the plant itself is not recommended as the water hit on the buds can lead to rotting of inflorescences.

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In this connection, it is advisable to spray the air around achimenes. It needs moist air, because it is a tropical plant.


Achimenes need fertilizing, which it is desirable to make twice a month. Recommended nitrogenous fertilizer for houseplants.


· Rhizomes. It is considered one of the most productive and safest ways;

· Air rhizomes. They should be cut only after the stem has dried;

· Cuttings. To cut off the top of the cutting part of the plant which is planted in the soil immediately under the film;

· Sheet. The roots appear in about two weeks, and flowering occurs in a year.

The first landing

If you only plan to plant Florist achimenes, the flower shop is enough to buy the rhizome, which resemble birch catkins.

Before planting should be carried out inspection of their appearance. They must be strong, not sluggish, not dry and not discolored.

Sometimes you can see the germ of a rhizome, which indicates the readiness to take root and develop.

Algorithm landing rhizomes

1. Selection and disinfection capacity

It is important to bear in mind that the roots of achimenes surface, so no need to choose a deep pot. Greater depth will lead to the fact that all power plant direct to the development of the roots and leaves, but not flowers.

The width of the container depends on how many rhizomes Florist plans to plant - can be one, and can be three to five to get a lush bush.

2. Preparation and disinfection of the soil

Achimenes does not like acidic soil. It should be a neutral light. At the bottom of the pot should lay the drainage to prevent water stagnation.

3. Landing

Rhizome placed horizontally and then backfilled with a thin layer of the earth (2 cm), hiding under the film. Seedlings will appear in two weeks. If you delay, you can pour the warm water - it will wake rhizome.

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