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"Christmas Star" extinguished: what to do if sick poinsettia leaves and drops

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There just are not beautiful plants gave mankind Mother Nature. But there is a special flower, without which no greenhouse simply can not do. This poinsettia or another "Christmas Star".

With its stunning beauty, this flower gives people joy and positive, filling the soul with warmth and ideas.

It is believed that the plant has beneficial effects on cerebral blood flow and metabolism in the body.

Like the star of Bethlehem and spirituality, arguing that it is well protected from the negative impact that strengthens family ties and the ability to attract wealth.

But deciding on a flower, it is worth remembering that the health and beauty of this flower is directly dependent on care. And if you care that something was wrong, poinsettia grower starts to upset his disease. Send a signal to the salvation of the poinsettia leaves will change:

1. Yellowness and rusty edge

The plant makes it clear that the room is too warm and too dry air. It is necessary to rearrange the flowers in a cool place, and often it is sprayed.

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2. leaf abscission

It can be a natural process. That is how the poinsettia is preparing for the "hibernation". But sometimes cause a draft and low temperature for the flower.

It is necessary to shorten the stems and 1.5 months rearranged in the penumbra on vacation.

3. The leaves wither and look lifeless

The reason is incorrect watering. Or too flooded the ground, or it was dry at the roots.

Find a middle ground watering and do not be lazy to spray the leaves.

4. Distortion and twisting of leaves

In this case it is necessary to adjust the acidity of the soil (of molybdenum deficiency), make fertilizer, for example, drug Poinsettia Mix.

5. Leaf spot, root rot

The originator of the detention regime. This may be extreme temperatures, improper humidity, the lack of minerals.

True, it also happens: Florist strictly observes all the rules of care, and the flower is still sick.

The culprits in this case, may act insect pests:

- Whitefly;

- flower thrips;

- aphids;

- mealybugs;

- larvae of mosquitoes and other fungal.

If you notice pests at an early stage of the disease, it will help save poinsettia spraying strong soap solution (50g. soap in 1 liter of warm water) and soap cleansing pad leaves. Then there is no harm sprinkle plant tincture of calendula.

In the later stages will have to resort to chemicals.

Important to remember

Puasettiya not tolerate drafts.

Optimum temperature 20-23 degrees.

It does not tolerate any deficiency or excess moisture.

The temperature of water for irrigation should not be below room temperature.

When the leaves fall off naturally, worth up to 15 cm. cut the stems completely stop watering and remove the pot in a dark cool place.

Around May pot brings to light, it is transplanted to another soil and begin watering.

December - the emergence of a new star.

Attentive and careful attitude to the beauty of Bethlehem - a pledge of good and happiness in the house.

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