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How and why to use Zircon for orchids

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Today it is fashionable to be grown at home, in the office of an orchid. These fair creatures require careful and, at the same time gentle care.

For them, using different fertilizing, nutrients. Zircon, including. How and why to use it for orchids, today in this article.

What is Zircon and why is it needed orchids

Zircon is primarily dressing. Used to enhance the growth of aerial roots of orchids. it also ensures timely flowering and growth.

In addition, it produces a plant's ability to resist disease and pests. It provides additional energy during a drought.

When growing orchids Zircon is used at any time:

1. When rooting it activates metabolism, causing aerial roots are formed in a larger volume. They are less dry up or rot. Good to use after transplant. The drug makes it easier to recover from stress and go into growth.

2. During flowering Zircon accelerates the release of plant flower stalk, and also increases the duration of flowering. Orchid helps keep all the buds when changing growing conditions.

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3. When planting speeds up germination. Hatched young sprouts quickly gaining a lot of green and promoted growth.

4. When transplanting contributes to a better rooting plants.

In addition, it improves the absorption properties, ie, orchids better absorb moisture from the environment, but also reduces the ability of evaporation.

As used Zircon

Before using the drug, it is necessary to know how to cook it. For this Zircon is mixed with water in various proportions.

The dose is usually indicated on the package:

1. To 1 liter of water, 0.1 ml of the preparation - spray.

2. To 1 liter of water 0.25 ml of the preparation - during transplantation, soaking of the root system.

3. 100 ml of water 0.025 ml of the preparation - soaking seeds.

It is important to comply with these proportions, as the drug - it is an alkali, and its excess can harm the orchid.

Important! Some growers, who for years bred orchids, are advised not to spray the foliage as by zircon stains remain. Leves better wiped with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

Breeding means should be stored no longer than 3 days and should abandon its use.

It is impossible to work with a solution without personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, respirator). Otherwise, you can get burned.

Tip! When zircon contact the skin or mucous must be rinsed with running water. Keep out of reach for children and pets, places.

Zircon - growth stimulator, actively used in the cultivation of orchids. It has a plant aid in root formation, strengthens the process of photosynthesis, it helps to build green mass, maintains and prolongs flowering.

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