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Features of cultivation Spathiphyllum Alana

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Spathiphyllum Alana's favorites of many gardeners. It is grown in apartments and offices. Received wide popularity for her outer beauty. Large white flowers on a dark background, bright green, harmoniously fit into any decor. In addition, the plant is not capricious in care. Today we look at the features of its cultivation.


A native of the tropical forests of South America, Spathiphyllum Alana has the following botanical characteristics:

· Bush powerful, compact;

· Lack of erect stems;

· Height up to 50 cm;

· "Veil" of the flower is white, and the central vein on it dark green;

· Dense leaves, due to what looks like artificial.

Due to the size of a single petal plant has received the second name "White Sail". At the end of flowering white color can go to the green.

Features of cultivation

Growing and Caring for Spathiphyllum Alana under the force of even a novice. The conditions under which the plant feels for five-plus:

1. soil friability

In the composition of which must include soil, sand and peat;

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2. drainage layer

The presence of a drainage layer in a flower pot. Although the plant and the excess moistening likes, but the roots can not be in constant contact with water.

For this pots should be put on the pallet, from which excess moisture is drained;

3. Do not desiccate the soil

Drought Spathiphyllum also does not like, so watering should be regular with top spray.

4. Fertilizer during flowering

Abundant organic fertilizer at the time of release of the peduncle significantly prolong its flowering.

In his dressing end stop;

5. Observe the correct temperature regime

Temperature conditions should range from 20 to 25 degrees. At the same time it is important to create a Spathiphyllum enhanced lighting, lack of sun.

6. Avoid drafts

Has protected "green household" from drafts and abrupt climate changes.

Important! The representative of the Araceae summer can withstand temperatures up to 30 degrees, and in winter, when the flower is at rest, to reduce it to 15-17 degrees.

Watering necessary water at room temperature, pre-boiled and ostuzhennoy.

Flower harmfulness might be in a weak resistance to diseases and pests. But quality care can be avoided.

Thrips, scale insects and other pests may appear from the vicinity of infected potted flowers brought from garden soil or sod. Fight them should in time, otherwise, you may lose the plant. To help the florist various insecticides, which will help solve the problem very quickly.

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