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Unique geranium "Black Velvet": unusual ornament sill. subtleties of cultivation

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At first glance, because of the name you would think that the plant has the color black. In fact, pelargonium F1 Black velvet is dark brown foliage that looks truly black on a background of beautiful bright red flowers. Today, the hybrid is very popular with gardeners. About all the intricacies of growing varieties of geranium discussed below.

Short description

Powerful shrub, up to 40 cm, has a thick shoots, which can be used for breeding. The foliage is almost brown color with a green border.

Interesting! The dark color of the leaves turn in the second year of cultivation.

The flowers are not large, gathered in an umbrella with different shades of red. Black geranium is very fond of light, but does not tolerate direct rays.

If you place the flower pots in the sun, the plant will become pale in color. Do not go away, and in the shade.

How to grow pelargonium, care subtlety

By planting the seed for outdoor cultivation, it is necessary to start in January. Such seedlings in the future will provide a lush bush and abundant flowering.

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If propagate geraniums lateral offshoots, the inflorescence is smaller.

Nuances of cultivation:

1. The composition of the soil

The soil should consist of com garden soil, peat and coarse sand in the ratio 1: 2: 1.

Acidity lands should be slightly increased, to a value of pH 6,0, with a good moisture permeability.

2. The seeds are grown under cover

With the advent of the first leaves of the greenhouse cap is removed.

Seedlings provide additional coverage and the temperature 18 degrees.

3. Swordplay young seedlings

When you see another pair of leaves, the young seedlings into individual dive pots.

4. Two weeks later, the seedlings are fed organic

5. In the absence of frost on the planting beds

After the threat of frost, and it is already in May, the seedlings are planted in the garden and flower beds.

Important! Geranium Black Velvet can spend the winter on the street, but it requires careful and cover a thick layer of snow.

Multiple instances can be transferred into the house, where it will continue to bloom.

Conditions for a good development

To develop full hybrid, with the return of all its features, it requires the following conditions:

1. The plant loves light, like all the geraniums, but can bloom in the shade.

The best option is Pelargonium planting trees under the shadow portion;

2. Adult plant is not whimsical to the soil;

3. Geranium does not like drought, so it is watered regularly and not allow the ground to dry out;

4. It is important to monitor the plant, that it is not attacked by pests and diseases, which are very much: nematodes, mites, aphids, as well as rust fungi.

If this happens, use a fungicide and insecticide.

As can be seen pelargonium Black velvet is not whimsical to the growing conditions. But the work is still necessary. Otherwise, the plant will lose their varietal shine.

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