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Tulips for forcing the 8th of March, when planting at home

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Every woman March 8 wants to get a welcome bouquet of flowers. The most common are tulips. These flowers - the embodiment of the spring holiday and extra income for some people, if the bloom time.

Tulips can be bought, but you can grow yourself. And, perhaps, there is no limit joy, if the flowers are grown on their own, when they laid the shower hostess.

When to plant at home to tulips bloom for March 8? It is important to take into account all the nuances, to get a positive result.

when to plant

Required flowering tulips can be calculated, that is to choose the right time of their planting in the ground. Knowing the technology of growing plants, you can get beautiful buds for any holiday.

Important! Prepared bulbs are planted from 15 to 20 October, at the same time to choose the right sort, to the flowers were bright, beautiful.

Some nuances that affect the timely flowering:

1. For the calculation of the term of planting should take into account a period of rest, when the bulbs flower buds. Do tulip to the scheduled date of the quality and duration of this period depends flourish.

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If the bulbs are dug from the infield, the duration of resting 2-2.5 months. Purchased seeds such period has passed.

2. After planting in a flower pot, it must be placed in the cold for 90 - 150 days. The preferential cooling temperature of +1 to +5 degrees.

After that, the bulb must receive enough heat for this planter is put on the sill dominated sunlight.

Length of stay in the warm up to 30 days.

3. Choose the right variety. Different varieties of the cooling period of his own, before planting it is important to study its characteristics.

Given these rules, you can calculate when to plant flower bulbs and get a welcome bouquet at the right time.

The choice of bulbs

Before planting, you need to choose the seed. It is best to timely flowering you will enjoy large bulbs, weighing up to 30 grams. Only if the right technology forcing them to bloom by March 8.

Important! You can buy special bulbs (Dutch), which went through a period of calm and cool. Usually the manufacturer on the packaging indicates these parameters.

Self-harvested plant material starts to break the eggshell in the first week of February. At the same time put purchased, pre-prepared seeds.

Get the first cut-off function when landing within a specified time can be just in the first week of March, namely the number 8.

To be patient and follow all recommendations for forcing tulip bulbs in the home, on average, six months, you can get beautiful fresh flowers and to please their loved ones.

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