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Why wilt money tree and how to save it

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Money tree, so popularly called succulent Crassula (Crassula oval), can not only please you, but upset.

Undemanding tree due to poor maintenance is sometimes resets foliage fades. Once you begin to wonder why wilt money tree and how to save it.

Consider the main causes of "bad mood" of your pet and ways to eliminate it.

The causes of lethargy

Crassula has a fairly thick branches, trunk and leaves. If they crush your fingers or cut with a knife will be significantly large amount of moisture, juice.

Due to this, the plant lives in warm latitudes and feels well enough. He was not afraid of the drought, but suffer a tree may still.

After reading this section, you will understand what you are doing wrong. The first sign is pain succulent leaves falling off, and laxity.

1. Abundant watering. Money tree moisture accumulates in leaves and uses it as needed. Sometimes excess moisture harms.

It is important to track how many days the plant may be without irrigation and to determine when to water.

Rare watering also is unfavorable, from it leaves begin to turn yellow, dryabnut. It goes down tree branches and the aged look.

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2. Direct exposure to the sun. Growth of Africa affects, money tree likes abundant light, but constant presence in direct sunlight hurts him. The light should be scattered and in sufficient quantity.

3. Too cold water when watering is also a negative impact on growth.

4. Excess fertilizer.

5. Frequent change of flowerpot location.

6. Pests and diseases.

In plants there are natural processes that should not be in doubt, it is the reproduction and aging when the jade tree shed their leaves.

Thus the tree is updated, he develops new shoots.

What to do

Crassula to save from death and decay, must take into account the nuances mentioned earlier, namely, watered as necessary only with warm water, remove from the sun, but not in a cold place.

Apply fertilizer only on schedule and always respecting the norm. Other steps that can help lead to a sense of Jade:

1. Use a fertilizer designed for cacti and succulents. Make in moist soil, so it is easier to consume plant nutrients.

2. Correct and timely re-pot tree, scraping and cutting the rotten and dead roots.

3. Proper soil - soil usual with the addition of crushed coal bricks, sand.

4. The pot should be drained to make a quality layer, so that the roots do not rot.

5. Regularly spray your pet, because the foliage is arranged so that a large amount of moisture absorbed from the environment.

6. Protect your pet from pests. If the disease has occurred, Treat special means.

Provide Crassula temperature of from 18 to 25 degrees, so it feels great. And if growing conditions are met, therefore, money tree does not wither.

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