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What kind of soil love anthurium, we understand together

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It needs to create an environment as close to the natural order in the home environment anthurium grown in a spectacular bush.

This concerns, first of all, landing it in the right substrate. Let us examine together, in what type of soil it is necessary to put anthurium him to show itself in all its glory.

Requirements to the substrate

In the wild bushes grow under the canopy of trees, their roots clinging to the trunk, and dropping them in a bed of leaf litter, humus, bark pieces.

The same substrate, and need to recreate when grown under ambient conditions.

Anthurium roots needs the access of oxygen, so the potting soil should be with large patches of natural materials.

Compacted soil can be detrimental to plants: the roots without access to air it may begin to rot, and after them, and the whole bush.

The desired composition of the soil

In the flower shop you can buy special soil for roses, already includes all the necessary components.

In its absence, the substrate is bought for orchids, which consists of bark ash, peat.

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It is possible to prepare the substrate alone. It must be of such composition that can hold the roots, skip to the roots of oxygen, not to hold moisture at the roots, and have a slightly acidic reaction.

Pot, which is planted anthurium, must necessarily have drainage holes.

Composition ground mixture being produced in the home

Such a lot of options, then some of them:

1. Take 1 part leaf earth, as much softwood, added 1 part of upland or lowland peat, sand is mixed into ½ part.

2. The 2 parts of humus is mixed to 1 part of coconut fiber, milled sphagnum moss-, pine bark fines.

3. Miscible 2 parts withstand humus, with 1 part of leaf, 1 part peat, ½ part river sand.


In addition to the above components in a substrate for different color may be added charcoal, perlite, vermiculite.

They serve as additional soil baking powder and charcoal, moreover, is an antiseptic.

These elements should be about 15% of the total substrate.

With proper selection of required components anthurium thank their host spectacular views of green leaves and multi-colored stipules.

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