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Subtleties of growing young "Stone Flower" house. process Features

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Young or more as it is called "The Stone Flower", quite an interesting plant. It refers to the evergreen succulents. What is most interesting, the young plant is very hardy, as observations showed that the "stone flower" grows where others do not even survive.

It belongs to the family of Tolstyakova. It is a common plant that can be grown in open soil, and in the home environment.

Therefore young is considered one of the most undemanding plants. And its interesting appearance draws absolutely every person.

In the "Stone Flower" there is a certain mystique. But still need to take care of him. There are some features, which you will learn from this article.

To start, you need to understand the conditions in which "stone flower" is able to grow.

Subtleties and features of cultivation

· This is in terms of the growth temperature, Young's really amazing. The flower can grow and at -30 degrees Celsius, and even under the scorching sun.

In summer, try to put a flower to him being insolated. If, however, it will be in the shadows, then begin to grow up in order to reach the sun.

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It's not exactly a good impact on the health of the flower.

· Try to ventilate flower as often as possible.

· Excellent soil will be the one that is designed to cacti.

· It is desirable to add to the soil a little charcoal, which will serve as an excellent protection from moisture and abundant respectively from rotting.

· Interesting fact, Molodilu not require fertilizer. If it grows in the home, you can start doing it only for 3 and 4 years of cultivation, but will need only half the norm.

· Watering "stone flower" should be once a week, and in winter so do even less. All this is due to the fact that youth is able to maintain a moisture for a long time.

But we should be very careful not to get water into the flower, and more precisely in the center between the sheets.

In this case, the flower may start to rot and the plant quickly come to ruin.

· Spraying for "Stone Flower" is not required.

· Transplanted rarely, as in the pot grows slowly.

Yes, indeed, "Stone Flower" does not need to imagine some special care. This article once again to show and prove that young undemanding plant.

He needs only heat, sunlight, ventilation. It not only will please you with its appearance, but also serve as an excellent decoration of the interior.

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