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Brown spots on leaves, geranium. Is it dangerous to plant and how to help

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Despite the fact that the geranium is unpretentious and very resistant to diseases and pests plant, in some cases in his leaf plates may appear brown spots colors.

A reason for this may be many, and not all of them are associated with damage to the bush disease.

Why are the leaves spots appear

On geranium leaf plates brown spots may form due to:

· Poor drainage layer in a pot or a complete lack thereof;

· Stagnation of fluid in the root system;

· Potassium or lack of phosphorus in the substrate;

· Too tight container in which the root system fits with difficulty;

· Cold drafts;

· Meager lighting.

To save the plant, enough to start properly care for it, as well as review the irrigation mode.

dangerous disease

To represent special danger geranium bacterial diseases (e.g., rust), since if incorrectly or untimely treated, the plant can die.

The reason for the development of such diseases include various pathogenic bacteria.

Typically, patients bush brown spots are formed while they are initially small and appear on the underside surface of the sheet wafers.

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Over time, the bush begins to fade, the branches gradually die off, and the stem is black. In the end, the flower dies.

To save diseased plants should be watered with a solution of a fungicidal agent.

But it can only be cured in the early stages of the disease, if it is badly run, it is recommended to destroy the bush together with the container, so as not to get sick other indoor plants.

But it's best to prevent infection geranium, for this it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures:

· It is necessary to find the right irrigation regime;

· At the bottom of the tank is necessary to make good drainage layer;

· Substrate need air and water-permeable.

Also serious threat for such a flower representing and gray mold. Affected bush on the foliage and shoots are formed moist patches of grayish-brown color.

Typically, the disease lesion promotes stale air, an excessively large amount of nitrogen in the substrate, very high levels of humidity or liquid stagnation in pochvosmesi.

To cure a flower, it is necessary to carefully cut the affected areas, and then it is sprayed with a solution or fundazol VitaRos.

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