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Top 6 best palms for indoor cultivation

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At home, you can grow many species of palm trees. In this article we will tell you about the most beautiful, interesting potted palms and the florist will select the most appropriate for your home.

The date

It's easy to grow yourself out of the stones of dates. To germination went faster seed nadpilivayut slightly in several places and rubbed with sandpaper.

Date palm likes bright light, abundant watering, easy to tolerate the dry air of the room.

Well winters the plant in a cool but bright room.


In this powerful palm trunk with a lot coming from him fan leaves.

At home, typically are grown trahikarpus Fortuna, reaching a height of 2.5 m.

It grows slowly, so it can afford to the inhabitants of small squares.

Trahikarpus can comprise even in unheated rooms, because it can withstand temperatures of -12 to -14 ° C.


This is one of the most popular trees grown in the room. It is growing rapidly with the content in a bright room, taxing to care for.

Its only requirement is the presence of moist air around it, it is easy to perform, sprinkling the palm and the air around her with water from a spray.

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This palm is intricately cut into the ends of the leaves, for what was called the fish tail.

In Iscariot atypical for the family arekovoy asymmetrical leaf plate.

It adapts well to indoor conditions, almost all palm likes high humidity. It reaches a height of 2 m.


In hamerops fan, a bad cut branches. They are widely spread out, which gives the plant massiveness.

Grow palm can in any universal soil. It must constantly rotate the different parties to the light, because the trunk can be bent, the plant will lose a decorative look.

Resists content at lower temperatures.


This palm is growing rapidly, increasing for the season to 14 new leaves. For this reason, it will look beautiful in large, spacious rooms.

Washingtonia nitenosnaya has a very decorative look: its fan leaves are framed at the edges of delicate, intricately intertwined threads.

Washingtonia robusta has a bright green leaves without the presence of filaments.

Palm trees capable of growing oriented indoors a lot, choosing suitable for themselves, Florist on their needs, as well as the opportunity to provide the necessary conditions for the palm of her.

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