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On the leaves of the money tree had white point. We solve the problem together

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Crassula, Crassula or simply a money tree, as it is called in the people, has taken a worthy place among the plants, which have become a real decoration of apartments and offices.

Its dark green, shiny leaves almost plastic and thick, but a small trunk, turned it into a favorite ornamental tree.

And shame if such beauty begins to lose its bright appearance that happens, by the way, is quite rare.

White, little dots on the leaves - that is: the manifestation of the disease or the wrong care? Let's solve this problem together!


Do not rush to be afraid, your money tree in any case does not need to be saved from a serious illness!

Attention: On the plant may appear small white dots, because of a simple banal reason ─ humidity. Yes, here such here "unsolvable" problem you got.

You just might as well enjoy a flower that is constantly worried about that he never needed in the moisture.

But just for the love of it, you need to quickly find out his true water needs, so as not to contribute to its withering.

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Proper watering

Together, let us look at how it is necessary to water the plant. Though Crassula and whimsical, yet she does not like drunkenness. So let's do it properly, and it will respond with gratitude.

So, here are a few useful tips:

1. There is no need to spray the plant;

2. About once a month, wipe it with a damp cloth beautiful leaves;

3. During warmer months, watering produce when the earth bit vlazhnovatoy. In winter only when the soil is almost dry.

Remember Nedolya better than to pour this plant. It is very not like the excess moisture and will always respond to it in a similar way.

small recommendation

If you notice on the leaf, in addition to white dots, and even silver coating, but do not worry, it indicates that a small Crassula experienced stress.

She just needs time to recover. Try as long as it does not disturb, without changing place and transplanting into another pot.

Despite the fact that the white spots is just a sign of excess moisture, try not to allow this to happen too often.

Indeed, in such an environment can very easily multiply bacteria and fungi, which are oh, so like dampness. And especially if your plant is still rather weak and not strong.

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