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What diseases helps Golden mustache - the healing properties of plants

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Leaves and shoots collisions (golden mustache) contain a unique composition of mineral substances. The plant is also known as the home of ginseng, and successfully used in folk medicine for getting rid of various ailments. Consider the details of its medicinal properties.

Useful material

As part of the juice collision revealed the following active ingredients:

· Amino acids;

· Carbohydrates;

· Organic acids;

· Phenols;

· Lipids;

· Macro and micro-organisms.

In addition, it found beta-sitosterol, which helps the body to cope with blood diseases and endocrine systems, as well as in the fight against cancer.

Beneficial features

Various experiments have shown that gold whisker has the following useful properties:

· Anti-inflammatory;

· An analgesic;

· Immunomodulatory;

· Regenerating;

· Antioxidant;

· Hepatoprotective.

In different parts of the plant amount of bioactive substances is distributed unequally. Most of them in the shoots, called "whiskers." Therefore, in folk medicine recipes are made most on their basis.

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The biggest benefit of a mustache at the time when they were grown 8-10 sustavchikov.

The green part of the plant can dry up. For this purpose, leaves and shoots are cut and expanded in a single layer in a shaded, ventilated place.

Next, dried raw material is passed in a paper or cloth bag. Useful properties are retained for 1 year.

Treatment gives a good effect, provided that the will to follow a diet that excludes from the diet: bakery products made with yeast, pickles, soda, pastries.

Which treats diseases

Herbalists are advised to apply the golden mustache for the following diseases:

· Digestive system;

· Respiratory system;

· Reproductive system;

· Circulatory system;

· Musculoskeletal system;

· Dental disease;

· Bodies of view;

· Endocrine system.

In conjunction with bee products and herbal preparations collision excrete metabolic products and toxins.

Which is made from plants

From the home of ginseng prepared:

· Ointment for joints;

· Broths for ingestion;

· Broths for preparing compresses;

· Tincture vodka for applying inwardly;

· Vodka infusions for rubbing the joints.

Despite all the positive properties of the golden mustache, before applying it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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