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The more water the potted plants for fast growth and profuse flowering

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What could be more beautiful flowering houseplants? Its magnificent views they bring comfort, give us your unforgettable colors, keep warm hearth and delight lush blooms all year round.

So that the colors had always needs careful nursing and caring attitude, in which necessarily includes fertilizing plants.

Many growers believe that the plants have enough care and essential trace elements to and from the transplant, they take on fresh ground. But it is not so. A new substrate is only enough for 2-3 months, and its depletion affects the plant - the leaves are sluggish, slow growth, disease, lack of flowering or reset.

The plant should be fed on a regular basis and it is better to resort to the natural options that can prepare a lot easier than it seems.

6 Consider the example of the natural feeding that affect the rapid growth and abundant flowering plants on the windowsill.


That sugar is one of the most well-known dressings. Containing the fructose and glucose - which are a good source of energy and building material.

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Using sugar for feeding the plant receives additional breathing, nutrition nutrients.

Method of application: 0.5 liters of water to dissolve 1 tablespoon sugar and water the plants no more than once in one month, in order to avoid the appearance of mold.

Coffee grounds

To the substrate was loose, over the air, so full of oxygen, which is very important, it can fertilize the coffee grounds. It also increases the acidity of the soil.

But it is necessary to take into account that this method will welcome only evergreen, some species of lilies and roses.

Method of application: 1 tsp the used grounds, simply mix with the ground.

peel of citrus fruits

For this type of dressing suit all kinds of citrus. Lovely growth and immunity to the sickness.

Method of application: 1 fruit peel placed in the container and pour boiling water. Infuse 1 day, water can be on a continuous basis.


Truly, the most useful element - ash, which contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, and zinc. Filling plants with vitamins and microelements, improves the condition of the soil.

Method of application: dry - add to the soil, and gently mix with it, watering - in a watering can add 2 tbsp ash and mix.

Such watering is recommended every 1 week to not oversaturate plants.

aloe juice

For the overall strengthening of the status of plants and can be used and aloe juice. Particularly useful watering to prevent disease.

Method of application: 1 tablespoon juice mixed with a liter of water, can be watered as needed.

banana skin

Rich in phosphorus, potassium and magnesium banana peel. It is an excellent source of vitamins, wonderfully affects the flowering and plant growth.

Method of application: a banana peel add water and infuse it in a dark night. Watering the usual way.

Ways of feeding a large number, the main thing to choose something suitable gardener taking into account the needs of the plants. And your favorite colors sure to please its abundant flowering and an excellent growth.

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