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Dark spots on the flowers of orchids and how to solve the problem

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Orchids - amazing plants of the orchid family. The flowers of these plants are striking in their beauty, variety of shapes and colors. Currently, orchids in our country - not a rarity.

The most popular and well-known species are:

· Phalaenopsis;

· Cattleya;

· Dendrobium;

· Pafiopedyullyum;

· Cymbidium;

· Wanda.

Conditions of orchids are about the same and are not complicated. But sometimes, despite all the efforts of the grower, a flower there are various kind of trouble, there are defects and disease.

One of the drawbacks of orchids diseases, is the emergence of dark spots on the petals and stains. This defect is immediately striking and spoils the whole look of the plant.

To cure this attack and prevent it from happening in the future, you need to know about the reasons for its occurrence.

There are three main causes of spots on the flowers:

1. Mechanical damage

2. moisture

3. Fungal diseases (rot)

1. Mechanical damage

When various types of injury of flower petals, damaged tissue dries up and dies, leaving unpresentable species spots. Such lesions dry out and have a rough jagged edges.

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It is not contagious and does not spread throughout the plant. Treatment is not required.

2. moisture

Orchid likes humid microclimate, but direct contact with water does not transfer. The spots on the flowers may occur due to improper watering and spraying.

Spraying should be carried out from a distance of 20 cm. Water is sprayed with such uniformly covers the plant tissue is very small droplets, which have time to be absorbed quickly without causing harm.

When watering orchid unacceptable ingress of water droplets on the buds and flowers.

3. Fungal diseases (rot)

Major fungal diseases that afflict orchids:

- brown rot
- black rot
- root rot
- Fusarium rot

Stains on the flowers - the consequences of Fusarium. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium (Fusarium) Is a contagious and hazardous. Fusarium development usually begins with the stems, then spreads throughout the plant.

disease development:

- insufficient air circulation;
- high humidity;
- the excess of nitrogen;
- lowering the temperature.

disease symptoms: Orchid leaves are soft, covered with bloom, curl. The flowers do not develop, covered with spots, fade. Roots to rot.

Treatment. To eliminate possible causes. The plant is isolated from healthy specimens. Remove from the pot, rinse, remove the rotten parts.

Immerse the roots of the plants in the fungicide solutions - fundazol, topsin, benomyl, within 10 days. Orchid plant in a new substrate. For the prevention of water the solution fundazol.

In order to avoid diseases and their unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to carry out disease prevention and to create favorable conditions for development plant.

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