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Begonia Rex growing fineness and features of care

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Gorgeous perennial plant came to us from the north-eastern India. With proper care, will delight with its colors all the inhabitants of the house and their guests.

Begonia rex has long rough leaves pointed, asymmetrical. The color and shade leaves can be quite varied, classic green, pink, burgundy, purple and many others.

It is worth noting that the veins on the leaves stand out, giving the plant individuality.

care Features

By its nature, the Royal Begonia, undemanding plant, but there are certain conditions of its content, which should be followed. It is worth noting that a great view begonias fully compensate for the labor expended.

· To plant fully developed, should provide a sufficient amount of light. But it is necessary to avoid direct sun. Begonia is very sensitive and the sun's rays can leave burns on the leaves. But the lack of sunlight reflected on the set brightness sheets, it may turn yellow and fade.

· Begonia Rex thermophilic flower should ensure that the temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius for normal growth.

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· Be sure to maintain a constant soil moisture. When watering to avoid ingress of water to the leaves, this may lead to a variety of diseases.

To ensure normal plant moisture is necessary to choose the right pot.

The pot should be wide, its depth does not matter, because the root system is not increasing in depth. In the pot must have drainage holes and the drip tray, it will provide a comfortable maintaining soil moisture.

It should be noted that the dry air in the room affects the appearance of the leaves, they may dry out and deteriorate.

It is worth noting that the Begonia, as well as any other plant responds well to fertilization. To be effective, the plant should be fed regularly, 1 time per month.

The use complex fertilizers as top dressing. Fertilize necessary only after watering, otherwise you can damage the root system of plants.

Begonia can feed and organic substances. For use fertilizer horse or cow manure, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Feed the plant only after watering.

Propagated by seeds and plant represented by cuttings. A method for seed cultivation is not very efficient, very small percentage of the shoot.

For propagation by cuttings should be separated into several pieces of equal length, then placed in a moist peat soil. Potted plants are planted at an oblique angle, it will provide a fast establishment.

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