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How to Grow "sausage tree". Subtleties and features

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Exotic, medicinal plant Kigelia may grow in a home. You must own the technology of cultivation of tropical wood. You need to create space for Kigelia, as a rule, it grows of considerable size.

The content of the plants

The most suitable place for trees in the greenhouse, indoor greenhouses in the winter garden or in the spacious lobby. If you put one such plant, it will reach a decorative effect, as well as landscaping the premises.

To create favorable conditions for the growth needs - abundant watering, the required light and temperature conditions. You need a lot of light for successful growth. If the tree is not illuminated enough, it will not bear fruit, or simply die.

To create a sufficient amount of light, a plant near the window overlooking the south side, as well provide additional illumination using special lamps.

In the hottest period of the plant should be watered abundantly. Daily requires 1 liter of water to a plant height of six meters.

Planting and Care

In the hot months, it is necessary to provide the sapling generous daily watering - about 1 liter of water on sapling height of 1.5 meters. In winter, watering is reduced, moreover, if there is a shortage of light.

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Kigelia comfortable with hot battery, as well as when indoor air is dry, but it should be adequate watering.

Kigelia well undergoing cold period can survive at a temperature of -2 degrees. But it does not tolerate drafts. In view of this, place it in the loggia or balcony, you can, if it is glazed, insulated.

Optimum winter temperature must correspond to 14 degrees + - 2 degrees. In summer it can reach up to 30.

Favorable conditions for planting:

· Planting should be done in the warm season;

· In specially prepared soil (mixing soil - 25 percent of the soil must be sand);

· Before the seeds to plant should fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers;

· Carry out moisture.

To prepare the seeds should be:

· Make an easy label on the seed (it is better to take root in the soil);

· Seed planted in the soil ready and deepen 2 cm, covered with soil, produce moderate watering;

· Establish in the most favorable, warm and bright place;

· Periodically, moisturize, with an interval of 2 to 3 days.

After two weeks should see a young sprout. Pulled the plant rather quickly, it can be adjusted by cutting its height and crown around.

This looks original plant in miniature, in the manner of bonsai. Kigelia African - unique tree, endowed with the fruits unfit for food, they can still have the benefit of man.

The complex of nutrients the plant will have a healing effect. It - rejuvenation, anti-tumor effects. Plant endowed protivotoksicheskoe properties.

If you follow the instructions, may grow up in a tree house. It will not only exotic décor, but also a family doctor.

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