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Unconventional way of growing orchids - aeroponics

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Habitual and common method is to use orchid cultivation pot with the substrate. But the beautiful view of flowers can be grown without the use of containers.

The fact that all plants need oxygen, and for the roots of orchids need it in very large quantities. Therefore, the substrate used slows or prevents the normal circulation of air, then it can be removed.

In this case, the plant does not suffer.

Also orchids need important nutrients and trace elements. In vivo orchid receive necessary substances and moisture with air.

Since the data flowers grow on trees and their root system sags to the ground surface, holding the branches of trees. So the roots get nutrients from organic matter that accumulate in the stem bark and branches of trees. Moisturizing plant and air.

Meaning aeroponics

aeroponics method is the most similar to the natural way of growing orchids. Such a method of cultivation has been applied for the first time in Russia, Vladimir Artsikhovskaya.

The method is to consolidate the plant through the holes in the plastic cover. Which closes the container containing the nozzle, which watered the hanging root system of orchids.

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Through time, aeroponics method has been upgraded.

The inventors have created a steam generator with which the roots of Orchids give the necessary power to them through the falling water vapor. This method is by far the best to purify indoor air.

Cultivation of orchids with a method using aeroponics

Necessary professional structures used for growing orchids aeroponics method is not so easy to get. But fortunately, you can build your own.

On the way and the essence of cultivation using personally made setting is not reflected.

He is also very economical. You will need two different sizes of flower pot. In a pot filled with larger nutrient mixture, but in a smaller plant itself.

But it is necessary to trace the location of the roots of orchids. They should be immersed in nutrient solution only by a third. A further plant care is only in the regular increase in the reserves of the nutrient mixture.

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