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Fragrant Orchid bifrenariya - dare raise a beauty? subtleties of cultivation

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In the wild, bifrenariya (Bifrenaria) grows in South America. The most popular kind - bifrenariya Harrison found on the rocks. This plant brings great and the sun and the wind.

Bifrenariyu grow at home - a kind of challenge for novice growers, since this plant is considered to be very moody. But not so scary as it seems.

Where to place and how to plant the soil?

For bifrenarii need a lot of light. If this is Harrison, it can be placed directly on the window sill on the sunny side. For the rest of the scattered light is required, so it is better to put on sunny side, but not on the window sill.

If you can not provide natural light for 12 hours a day, then you need to organize a supplementary lighting using lamps.

Soil for orchids should be composed of peat, bark, moss, coal and expanded clay. The basis will bark, other elements are added in approximately equal proportions.

Bifrenariyu also can be grown on a snag, this plant primatyvaetsya to a piece of wood with gauze, roots covered with a layer of sphagnum.

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At what temperature and humidity to grow?

This is one of the features of bifrenarii. Essential difference between day and night temperatures of 5-10 degrees. The maximum summer temperature can be up to 35 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night. Winter - 17 and 7 degrees respectively.

when the moisture level in the dry substrate should be about 60%. If the soil is not too wet, and the air is dry, it is necessary to daily spraying.

As watered and fed?

At high temperature and light watering will need two - three times a week, but we must follow then that the soil has had time to dry. The coolest time of watering is reduced to once a week and a half.

You can also use the "tropical rain" - irrigation in the shower with warm water (33-35 degrees).

Used for feeding fertilizer containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Primelles and root and non-root method, it is possible to alternate them.

It is better to use a special fertilizer for orchids because their roots are very sensitive, and should avoid an overabundance of any element. Diluted fertilizer needed in smaller proportions than indicated on the package, up to half of the required.

Do I need to repot?

This plant does not like such interference, so do not touch it unless absolutely necessary. If, however, without a transplant do not, then it should be done after the plant bud.

How to propagate?

Propagated by dividing bifrenariya. In this case, each part of the divided plant should be more than three pseudobulbs.

Thus, the house can grow bifrenariyu. It is only important to comply with the necessary conditions.

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